Jurassic World Evolution 2 Trex Suggestion

Dear Frontier Developments,

I am writing to provide a suggestion for a specific aspect of the gameplay in Jurassic World Evolution 2. Specifically, I wanted to discuss how the game handles situations where the Tyrannosaurus Rex escapes its enclosure and encounters people in nearby buildings.

Currently, when the T-Rex escapes, it is shown walking past buildings with seats or bleachers, and the people sitting there seem to be completely ignored. While this is certainly a dramatic visual, it is also somewhat unrealistic, as it is well-established in the Jurassic Park movies that the T-Rex is an apex predator that would likely attack and eat any human it encountered.

With this in mind, I would like to suggest that Frontier Developments consider adding a feature to the game that allows the T-Rex to attack and eat people who are sitting in nearby buildings. Specifically, when the T-Rex approaches a building with seats, it would be great if the people sitting in those seats would panic and attempt to flee, with the T-Rex then attacking and eating some or all of them.

While this may sound somewhat gruesome, it would also be a more accurate portrayal of the T-Rex's behavior and would add an additional layer of tension and danger to the gameplay. Additionally, it could be implemented using the same animation that was used in the original Jurassic Park movie, where the T-Rex famously devours Donald Gennaro, the lawyer who is sitting on a toilet in a nearby restroom.

Of course, this feature would need to be balanced carefully to ensure that it does not become too overwhelming or difficult for players to manage. It could be limited to certain mission types or could be triggered only under specific conditions, such as when the T-Rex is particularly hungry or agitated.

Overall, I believe that adding this feature would make the game even more immersive and exciting, while also staying true to the established behavior of the T-Rex in the Jurassic Park universe. I hope that you will consider this suggestion and look forward to seeing what new features and content you have in store for us in the future.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Oaklen Steptoe
I think you're misinterpreting most of the behaviour in the T. rex introduction scene in JP1. During most of that scene, she's playing. Playing with the cars, trying things out. And then following the flare like a cat follows a laser pointer. She found Gennaro on accident and he was a welcome snack. But she was not hunting.
And in TLW it was all about territory and smelling the blood of their baby.
In the original films the T. rex act pretty much like animals, not killing machines.

But I will say that it would be nice if sitting visitors had some kind of interaction animation. Whether that be fleeing or cowering. Either would work.
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