Just bought Odyssey, help plz

I tried doing a mission, didn't know what I was doing, died
My ship is on the surface of the planet next to the settlement

I've respawned on some space station miles away. I can't take one of the shuttle things back to the planet where I landed the ship on the surface because the shuttle is 'out of range'
I can't recall the ship using ship transfer, the ship is there but there's no transfer option

what do I do
Option 1 would be to take a taxi to somewhere that is within range of where your ship is, then take another taxi to the settlement where your ship is.

Option 2 If you go to an Inter Astra store in a station you should get transfer options for your ship unless maybe you left cargo on board.
Option 1 would be to take a taxi to somewhere that is within range of where your ship is, then take another taxi to the settlement where your ship is.

Option 2 If you go to an Inter Astra store in a station you should get transfer options for your ship unless maybe you left cargo on board.
option 2 I can't recall the ship using ship transfer, the ship is there but there's no transfer option it just ssys 'this is your current ship'
option 2 I can't recall the ship using ship transfer, the ship is there but there's no transfer option it just ssys 'this is your current ship'
Can you buy a Sidewinder there and swap into it then call your proper ship to the station?
on the prison ship would check the regular hangar elevators,
I have had it when ended up in prison due to not paying attention if ship was at location it got seized along with you and was also sent to the prison ship.

at settlements when ever have died due to guards/NPC have always ended up at a prison ship

If you have respawned at an outpost station, will need to take a shuttle to one of the larger stations as they have shipyards usually the outposts stations don't.
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