Just experienced my first ship loss.

Luckily it was cheap. So I was in a high intensity RES, and was going toe-to-toe with a Master level Python in my Viper. I was feeling very proud of myself, as the Viper is only around C class with the most expensive parts being 70k a piece small turrets on the top. He was down to 17%, and I had full shields and 87% hull left, and then... He bumped me. Not rammed, just bumped. I exploded instantly, lol. Touche Mr. Python.
I've noticed that the NPCs have taken to ramming. I've had to dodge quite a few of them this weekend.

Guessing you were carrying something with a bit of a bang in your cargo? Lol, you put up a good fight tho by the sounds of it
Ramming is RES is fun! Sometimes, when my target's shields are down, the target hugs close to my Vulture, making it hard to get a gimbal lock. So, I boost ram it with 4 pips to shields. So very satisfying to see them pop!
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So far I've had two deaths.

One was in a Conflict Zone. I got cocky fighting a ASP when something, someone, I don't know what the heck it was, came out of nowhere and took my hull (I was unshielded) down from around 80 to 0 before I could even realize what's going on. I didn't even see what it was.

The second one was just a few hours ago. I was smuggling to a military outpost when I'm trying to dock and some authority ship (there were several, all green/friendly) suddenly goes hostile and shoots me. I try to ignore it and land but I found out I couldn't land when under attack. So I shoot him. Fined for attacking someone and all that jazz. Outpost defenses activate. I try to flee. Dead. To be honest, again, like the last death, I really don't know what happened. I don't know why the authority ship turned randomly hostile. It didn't even scan me, and I didn't ram it. And defending myself landed me a fine (now a dormant bounty) and the attention of everything in the nearby area. It was really stupid but I'm assuming it was a freak glitch or bug or something.
I'm actually making more money at this RES, than with trading! It's been like 15 minute since I got back, and I've already made 500k! There's like, a stupid amount of cops here, I can't even count all the Eagles. They're just killing everything for me! LOL
So far I've had two deaths.

One was in a Conflict Zone. I got cocky fighting a ASP when something, someone, I don't know what the heck it was, came out of nowhere and took my hull (I was unshielded) down from around 80 to 0 before I could even realize what's going on. I didn't even see what it was.

The second one was just a few hours ago. I was smuggling to a military outpost when I'm trying to dock and some authority ship (there were several, all green/friendly) suddenly goes hostile and shoots me. I try to ignore it and land but I found out I couldn't land when under attack. So I shoot him. Fined for attacking someone and all that jazz. Outpost defenses activate. I try to flee. Dead. To be honest, again, like the last death, I really don't know what happened. I don't know why the authority ship turned randomly hostile. It didn't even scan me, and I didn't ram it. And defending myself landed me a fine (now a dormant bounty) and the attention of everything in the nearby area. It was really stupid but I'm assuming it was a freak glitch or bug or something.

When I had dormant bounty for accidently killing a player I got to station got in sidey waited outside station for local security to scan and kill me....reclogged game after that and it was gone...I was able to pay the bounty or it was completely gone...not sure which but it was better than waiting 6 days
When I had dormant bounty for accidently killing a player I got to station got in sidey waited outside station for local security to scan and kill me....reclogged game after that and it was gone...I was able to pay the bounty or it was completely gone...not sure which but it was better than waiting 6 days

Well now I fly an Imperial Courier, so every death costs me 489,685cr.
It was in a system I can avoid too, so I can probably wait the 6 days by just staying away.
Luckily it was cheap. So I was in a high intensity RES, and was going toe-to-toe with a Master level Python in my Viper. I was feeling very proud of myself, as the Viper is only around C class with the most expensive parts being 70k a piece small turrets on the top. He was down to 17%, and I had full shields and 87% hull left, and then... He bumped me. Not rammed, just bumped. I exploded instantly, lol. Touche Mr. Python.

This happened to me just with my flying a Vulture and the NPC flying a Anaconda, it just bumped me and I didn't really understand what happaned.. I was shocked! It wouldn't be my first time taking down an Anaconda, I've done it multiple times even rammed into them when they were on low health for giggles..
The best way to die is obviously by boosting into the back of the station instead of putting the gear down.

I was smuggling cargo into a station and was silent running (meaning no shields) when I accidentally hit boost instead of putting my landing gears down. I flipped my ship "up" and hit the lower vertical thruster as hard as I could to counter my intertia and boost, and managed to softly bump the stations wall (and by softly bumping I mean getting my hull down to 50-60%), but I survived. :)

On my way out after selling my cargo I rammed into an Anaconda and exploded - I was flying on the wrong side of the mail slot.

I've died twice in the game, both to ramming or being rammed by an Anaconda, I try to stay far away from them now.
I kicked the bucket last night at a nav beacon (was my own greedy fault).

I was having a very profitable night (for me) hunting at the beacon, I must have made near enough a mill and was thinking of bugging out when a vulture jumped in (npc) in a wing of 4.

Feeling cocky I decide to take one last big payout, now the wing consisted of 1 vulture (80,000) and 3 asps (around 70,000 each), setting up for attack run on the vulture first I shunt 4 pips to guns and 2 pips to systems, target the vultures power supply and start my run.

At first all is going well, yes I'm taking hits from everywhere but the shields are holding, the vultures shields are down, power supply is taking damaged now....40%....20%...BOOOM, vulture is down I repeat vulture is down.

I swing around to aquire the next target only 3 asps left..shields are at 2 rings and fading...I still have time, target asps power supply and start attack run.

All is not well, down to 1 ring on shields and this dam asp is just taking to long....wait...wait shields have failed, hull at 75% nonono..bugging out.....and then....I lost all power, no engines, shields or weapons and I'm down to emergency life support. Quick quick where is that repair/restart.....its not working and I'm still taking fire....start you piece of %$% START!!!.....

Its no good I'm dead in space, life support running out..come you gits just kill me already, and then..EJECT..EJECT..EJECT.....BOOOOM!

Never bite off more that you can chew and always always jump away when your head tells you too.

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Had 8 deaths so far, totaling 7.8mil. Most expensive was losing a FDL and Python. Both from boosting out of a mailslot and ramming an NPC ship - which killed them. Then, station opens up on me before I can get away.
The best way to die is obviously by boosting into the back of the station instead of putting the gear down.


The best was at 2am, I'm over tired and only playing cause a friend on the west coast is still up... I'm smuggling.. I've got silent running going..

I make it through the mail slot without issue, and then I go to turn off silent running. B+LB... except I'm so tired I do B+RB and turn off flight assist instead.

I might as well have just boosted into the back wall (in fact I was so tired I might have pressed that button too).

My ship just accelerated out of control and pancaked against the back side of the station. Since I just had silent running going I didn't have any shields.

Never had I ever spent 1mil cR so quickly as when I lost all that data/bounty/cargo/mission/insurance.
I had about 7 deaths as well. Most were when I was in my viper but had two in my vulture.

One was trying on an 'conda in a wing of three by myself (two vultures) just to test what my limit was.

Last one was just funny. Was leaving the gate, and I usually boost my way out the gate, but a ship came in same way I was leaving. Clip his wing. Got a 750 fine for reckless flying. I heard him crash into the station. Oh no a 22k bounty and some other fine/bounty as well. Couldn't tell since the station just lit me up.
I kicked the bucket last night at a nav beacon (was my own greedy fault).

I was having a very profitable night (for me) hunting at the beacon, I must have made near enough a mill and was thinking of bugging out when a vulture jumped in (npc) in a wing of 4.

Feeling cocky I decide to take one last big payout, now the wing consisted of 1 vulture (80,000) and 3 asps (around 70,000 each), setting up for attack run on the vulture first I shunt 4 pips to guns and 2 pips to systems, target the vultures power supply and start my run.

At first all is going well, yes I'm taking hits from everywhere but the shields are holding, the vultures shields are down, power supply is taking damaged now....40%....20%...BOOOM, vulture is down I repeat vulture is down.

I swing around to aquire the next target only 3 asps left..shields are at 2 rings and fading...I still have time, target asps power supply and start attack run.

All is not well, down to 1 ring on shields and this dam asp is just taking to long....wait...wait shields have failed, hull at 75% nonono..bugging out.....and then....I lost all power, no engines, shields or weapons and I'm down to emergency life support. Quick quick where is that repair/restart.....its not working and I'm still taking fire....start you piece of %$% START!!!.....

Its no good I'm dead in space, life support running out..come you gits just kill me already, and then..EJECT..EJECT..EJECT.....BOOOOM!

Never bite off more that you can chew and always always jump away when your head tells you too.


gotta love asps with railguns.....
I have been lucky so far, I got a hauler with a bunch of good gadgets on it ... im digging the mining and making it back to the station without being seen ... its somewhat satisfying lol
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