Hi Commanders
If positive posts annoy... Please move swiftly on... :unsure:

I've never been what you might call a 'White Knight' when it comes to ED/EDH, or especially of FDev and the way they have proceeded at times...but..

What with the current state of the game (bugs an'all), the return of lore and 'news', the promise of future long-term unfolding 'story-line, the return of 'community activities', the positive vibes about re-balancing, the prospect of more Dev Diaries, the anticipation of EDO's arrival, the arrival of the likes of 'breath of fresh air', enthusiastic Art Tolmie to the CM's etc...etc... (add your own positive thoughts)...

I feel that Elite Dangerous really hasn't been in such a 'good place' for a very, very long time......helping to brighten up what has been a crappy year! (y)😁

... good; got that off my chest...so positivity over.... and grumpy-old-git mode re-engaged ;)
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I'm assuming that this is because, for ages, pretty much all of FDev's Elite Dangerous resources were working on Odyssey and now that its getting closer to completion, they've been able to release some of that resource to work on the game in its current form and allow these positive things to happen.

(Not sure why they can't fix the PWA though especially now that core mining payouts are seemingly going to be buffed - sorry, bit of negativity there, feel free to ignore)
Hey! You! Can the positivity please, it upsets the undead!

I'm in agreement with you really - the return of Galnet & CG's, with the promised story unfolding over the months is an excellent move by Frontier... I may not do 'much' in CG's but do enjoy having them back... and am waiting very patiently for the incoming swarm of Thargoid Hive-Ships to arrive in the bubble... ;)
I like stuff! Hooray!

hear hear!
there are 2 types of CMDR in this forum
you are either a glass half full or half empty player, you either chose to look for the positives or you chose to concentrate on the negatives

OR, and this is just a suggestion, there are players who just don't have the patience to deal with issues in an entertainment product.

Having to look for positives is somewhat antithetical to recreation imho.
OR, and this is just a suggestion, there are players who just don't have the patience to deal with issues in an entertainment product.

Having to look for positives is somewhat antithetical to recreation imho.
Indeed, you are certainly correct - if you have to look for positives to be convinced you are indulging in recreation, the recreational choice may have to be reconsidered.
Hah! Manipulated by FD, again!

You fell for it; they took away all that stuff for a while, we rung our hands and pulled out our hair and now we are all so happy and grateful to have it all back again.

Now we must behave or they'll take it all way, again!

Hah! Manipulated by FD, again!

You fell for it; they took away all that stuff for a while, we rung our hands and pulled out our hair and now we are all so happy and grateful to have it all back again.

Now we must behave or they'll take it all way, again!

Nice to have, but, for me at least it isn't a big part of how I play... I've been having a ball for the last 3 years just doing as I wish 🤷‍♂️

Deleted member 38366

What you witness is merely ELITE being moved out of Deep Maintenance.

Now that it gets some Life Support again, things feel a whole less comatose, which is good.

The only unfortunate detail is that it was in Maintenance Mode and treated like Abandonware for such an incredibly long time - which was a capital mistake that takes double the effort to undo.
I'm causiously optimistic.
I feel Frontier will need to earn back some respect in an increasingly competitive genre in the next few months!
They're making some good preliminary moves lately, but only time will tell.
What you witness is merely ELITE being moved out of Deep Maintenance.
Now that it gets some Life Support again, things feel a whole less comatose, which is good.
I agree that EDH was in deep maintenance and I hope the main reason is that so many improvements are going into EDO that we'll all be blown away! The importance of the enhancements (and hopefully many fixes) in EDO couldn't be overstated! If EDO turns out to be lazy work like the Fleet Carriers release, I'll finally loose all hope!
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