Just made the plunge into the rift.

So I found a guy that had a CV-1, for $400, and I couldn't resist. So I fired up ED, I was in my Cutter, and Damn it son, that bridge! The size of that station! The scale! So i jumped in to my DBS for some acclimation maneuvers outside the satation. I was like a damn 10yr old trapped in a 32yr old body. I went down too a planet to check out the SRV, and managed to slam my 600m\s courier in the ground while I was boosting and skimming hill tops. As far as the rings go, man it's almost like cheating the advantages you have just by being able to track your target out the canopy.

BUT...that damn galmap...
I bound x and y to my flight stick, and z and zoom on the throttles thumb stick. My mouse still has zoom and pan functions. Maybe after some practice this will get better and I can see it feeling natural after time, but I guess I'm just spoiled to clicking on a system or planet and the focus zooming to it rather than having to manually scroll it into a central focal point.

I'm just running out of the box with no changes or mods. I just installed it oculus software, and steam vr. Allowed 3rd party apps on the oculus options. Fired up the game in vr mode and selected vr high in the graphics settings. Seems nice a smooth to me. I'm on a 6700k and a 1070. I think one time in an ice ring during a busy fight I saw one instance of a stutter. I was also looking out over my left shoulder too and may have been a tracking issue than a graphical stutter. I'm a long time console gamer too with a 1920x1200 60hz monitor too so I may not be as sensitive as others to that kind of stuff.

So any pointers for the optimal rift vr setup for 2.2? I looked at some threads but is seems that is for older versions of different softwares, and not sure how much of that is still relevant.
You don't really need Steam VR (not for Elite anyway).

Welcome to VR - yes its certainly a biiiig difference. Don't get hung up on the little performance issues etc... just enjoy the immersion and sense of 'being there'. :D

Glad you're enjoying it so far - and yes sounds like you have the hang of the galaxy map already (+rep for that!)

The 1070 is no slouch - I'd turn Depth of Field Off, Blur Off, Bloom to Medium, and Ambient Occlusion to Low or medium. Shadows can drop to Medium too and still look fine. These changes make quite a change to performance.

You can probably leave the Supersampling at 1.0, and try the HMD Quality setting at 1.25x or the setting just above 1.0 Don't set either below 1.0 as your image quality will suffer.

Other than that, all settings on High-ish and have fun.

I love the DBS cockpit, very utilitarian and reminds me of Independence War 2' corvettes. Brilliant.

See you in the black!
Some nice recent discussion over here (despite it being an old thread) concerning optimal setup for rift. Just this morning I think I finally nailed my perfect balanace of graphics quality and framerate (see post #132 - although that is with an overclocked 1080 so you may need to tweak things down just a tad).


P.S. It's awesome isn't it! I'm a month down the road and the excitement hasn't really worn off yet. :D
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So I found a guy that had a CV-1, for $400, and I couldn't resist. So I fired up ED, I was in my Cutter, and Damn it son, that bridge! The size of that station! The scale! So i jumped in to my DBS for some acclimation maneuvers outside the satation. I was like a damn 10yr old trapped in a 32yr old body. I went down too a planet to check out the SRV, and managed to slam my 600m\s courier in the ground while I was boosting and skimming hill tops. As far as the rings go, man it's almost like cheating the advantages you have just by being able to track your target out the canopy.

BUT...that damn galmap...
I bound x and y to my flight stick, and z and zoom on the throttles thumb stick. My mouse still has zoom and pan functions. Maybe after some practice this will get better and I can see it feeling natural after time, but I guess I'm just spoiled to clicking on a system or planet and the focus zooming to it rather than having to manually scroll it into a central focal point.

I'm just running out of the box with no changes or mods. I just installed it oculus software, and steam vr. Allowed 3rd party apps on the oculus options. Fired up the game in vr mode and selected vr high in the graphics settings. Seems nice a smooth to me. I'm on a 6700k and a 1070. I think one time in an ice ring during a busy fight I saw one instance of a stutter. I was also looking out over my left shoulder too and may have been a tracking issue than a graphical stutter. I'm a long time console gamer too with a 1920x1200 60hz monitor too so I may not be as sensitive as others to that kind of stuff.

So any pointers for the optimal rift vr setup for 2.2? I looked at some threads but is seems that is for older versions of different softwares, and not sure how much of that is still relevant.

Yes, the galaxy/system maps are a disaster in VR.
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I'm two weeks into CV1 Elite and it is a new experience.

To tell you the truth my absolute favorite thing to do in VR is CQC (Arena). It's fantastic, fast and takes dogfighting to the next level with line of sight and structures. It feels like the closet we have a Death Star wing battle.

I had motion sickness on the surface until enabling lock camera on horizon, not cockpit. Whew!

I'm still trying to navigate the Galaxy map. It's not VR friendly. Sure there are lots of tips threads. But it really needs a fresh input design for VR.
Im saying that compared to mouse control on a monitor it's not even close.

Agreed, the ability to just click on a Star is missed. That being said I travelled to the galactic core using a combo of mouse and Hotas hat to plot my way and had no issues. It is in fact quite easy once you get used to it. I would prefer someone fixes the color banding over using the galaxy map with a mouse as far as issues go.
Some nice recent discussion over here (despite it being an old thread) concerning optimal setup for rift. Just this morning I think I finally nailed my perfect balanace of graphics quality and framerate (see post #132 - although that is with an overclocked 1080 so you may need to tweak things down just a tad).


P.S. It's awesome isn't it! I'm a month down the road and the excitement hasn't really worn off yet. :D

Shoot yeah I'll give that a shot. My 1070 is oc'ed too so hopefully I won't have to tone it down too much but it's probably better than stock VR high I'd imagine and I'm not complaining about that either!
Only thing I'd recommend is installing Dr. Kali's ED Profiler for the rare times you want to quickly switch to 2D, along with easily changing the HUD colors.

Speaking of which, any suggestions on which is the best HUD color setting on ED Profiler? My main worry is not being able to tell which is an enemy or a Wingman / friend.
I wish I could make different binds for Galaxy and System map. For Galaxy Map, I mapped things to work like I'm flying my ship. Joystick for Pitch and Yaw (no Roll in the map). My Traverse up/down/left/right is on my mini-joystick does the same in the Galaxy Map, but up/down does nothing in System Map. My traverse forward/back in flight is forward/back in galaxy, but up/down in System Map.
This feels like the 1,000,000 thread complaniing about the galaxy map. Not that I didn't understand that this can be an issue when being new to vr, but really guys... Use the search on this forum. There is so much advice (I know because I have given some of it), that most of your problems can easily be dealt with.

In short: VR and mouse is a bad idea. Why? The mouse moves something on a plane, while the galaxy map in VR is 3d. Using a 2d input device in a 3d world can be a hassle. Solutions: Bind your keys, at best your hotas buttons, correctly to controls for the galaxy map. Believe me, once you got your setup right, the map works like a charm.
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This feels like the 1,000,000 thread complaniing about the galaxy map. Not that I didn't understand that this can be an issue when being new to vr, but really guys... Use the search on this forum. There is so much advice (I know because I have given some of it), that most of your problems can easily be dealt with.

In short: VR and mouse is a bad idea. Why? The mouse moves something on a plane, while the galaxy map in VR is 3d. Using a 2d input device in a 3d world can be a hassle. Solutions: Bind your keys, at best your hotas buttons, correctly to controls for the galaxy map. Believe me, once you got your setup right, the map works like a charm.

Which is what I'm doing if you read the op, and no this is not a thread complaining about it either, that's was just a side note about it throwing me off at first and being as big of a shocker first time as seeing the game in vr the first time. You know, put the hmd on and you like OH MY GAWD THIS IS AMAZING! Then the equal but opposite reaction of opening up the gal map for the first time,......HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO...... As I said in the op I can see it feeling natural over time. Which after a few hours it's starting too.

In short: We'll it's par for the course here though I reckon, can't say anything on here with out someone getting bent.[up]

- - - Updated - - -

Only thing I'd recommend is installing Dr. Kali's ED Profiler for the rare times you want to quickly switch to 2D, along with easily changing the HUD colors.

Speaking of which, any suggestions on which is the best HUD color setting on ED Profiler? My main worry is not being able to tell which is an enemy or a Wingman / friend.

I used to have one that was good, but I forgot to make a note of it and an update reverted it back and I've been there every since....I guess I'm going to play around on that hud editor sight if it still up and I can find it.
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...HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO...... As I said in the op I can see it feeling natural over time. Which after a few hours it's starting too.

In short: We'll it's par for the course here though I reckon, can't say anything on here with out someone getting

Sorry, didnt want you to go defensive, just wanted to point to the many (weekly) threads with a lot of advice for the galaxy map. I already feel like making a large tutorial thread just for that, which would be a good "sticky". But I'd need to find the time... but, maybe.. someone??

Btw, I was feeling the same awe when starting with vr and ED, and the same wondering (it was actually a big frustration) when using the galaxy map. There is a option to switch the grid off in the galmap, and I had done this long before going to vr and forgot about it. The galmap becomes unusable by this and no forum thread covered this case. Was a pain.
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