So I found a guy that had a CV-1, for $400, and I couldn't resist. So I fired up ED, I was in my Cutter, and Damn it son, that bridge! The size of that station! The scale! So i jumped in to my DBS for some acclimation maneuvers outside the satation. I was like a damn 10yr old trapped in a 32yr old body. I went down too a planet to check out the SRV, and managed to slam my 600m\s courier in the ground while I was boosting and skimming hill tops. As far as the rings go, man it's almost like cheating the advantages you have just by being able to track your target out the canopy.
BUT...that damn galmap...
I bound x and y to my flight stick, and z and zoom on the throttles thumb stick. My mouse still has zoom and pan functions. Maybe after some practice this will get better and I can see it feeling natural after time, but I guess I'm just spoiled to clicking on a system or planet and the focus zooming to it rather than having to manually scroll it into a central focal point.
I'm just running out of the box with no changes or mods. I just installed it oculus software, and steam vr. Allowed 3rd party apps on the oculus options. Fired up the game in vr mode and selected vr high in the graphics settings. Seems nice a smooth to me. I'm on a 6700k and a 1070. I think one time in an ice ring during a busy fight I saw one instance of a stutter. I was also looking out over my left shoulder too and may have been a tracking issue than a graphical stutter. I'm a long time console gamer too with a 1920x1200 60hz monitor too so I may not be as sensitive as others to that kind of stuff.
So any pointers for the optimal rift vr setup for 2.2? I looked at some threads but is seems that is for older versions of different softwares, and not sure how much of that is still relevant.
BUT...that damn galmap...
I bound x and y to my flight stick, and z and zoom on the throttles thumb stick. My mouse still has zoom and pan functions. Maybe after some practice this will get better and I can see it feeling natural after time, but I guess I'm just spoiled to clicking on a system or planet and the focus zooming to it rather than having to manually scroll it into a central focal point.
I'm just running out of the box with no changes or mods. I just installed it oculus software, and steam vr. Allowed 3rd party apps on the oculus options. Fired up the game in vr mode and selected vr high in the graphics settings. Seems nice a smooth to me. I'm on a 6700k and a 1070. I think one time in an ice ring during a busy fight I saw one instance of a stutter. I was also looking out over my left shoulder too and may have been a tracking issue than a graphical stutter. I'm a long time console gamer too with a 1920x1200 60hz monitor too so I may not be as sensitive as others to that kind of stuff.
So any pointers for the optimal rift vr setup for 2.2? I looked at some threads but is seems that is for older versions of different softwares, and not sure how much of that is still relevant.