Kinectimals Kinectimals On Point achievement


My kids and I have been having lots of fun playing through Kinectimals and have managed to nearly complete all the challenges in the game.

The last achievement is causing us some problems. On point - Get 3 rings in a row on a pole in a hoop-la contest. We are guessing this takes place in the Suri Mountains on the dock.

We have managed to launch rockets 3 times in a row multiple times, even made 4 in a row once but we haven't seen the achievement pop.

Can you give any words of advice.

I have spoken to a few friends who have unlocked this achievement and I am certain we have been doing it correctly but the achievement appears glitched. We have tried doing this on two different save files too.

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Finally got it to unlock. I plugged Kinect into our second xbox and tried using the same save file. Worked first time. I didn't move the Bears DLC over when I tried.

Now for Disneyland Adventures.
This achievement can't be earned. I've landed 3 in row, "clean" throws that weren't just leaning on the rockets, and it won't register. I've gotten 4 in a row, and still, nothing.

Michael Brookes

Game Director
We seem to be able to get the achievement here, what version of the game are you playing? The original Kinectimals? The original with the Bears DLC? Or the Now with Bears disk game?

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