lag/jitter in mission menu after completing mission

I'm getting good overall results but notice. Major lag occasionally in the mission menu normally after completing a mission.. once exiting the menu things return to normal. anyone else seeing this?

Oculus rift w/ gtx 980 settings between vr high and med.
i have similar problems. I set the graphic options as to get steady 45FPS inside a station and around settlements on planets. In SC I get 90FPS. I mostly get jitter when opening Starport Service and mainly in the mission board.
Also run a 980GTX.
Sometimes it disappears after a few seconds, sometimes not.

Maybe you can do me a favour and monitor your 980 with GPU-Z I found out that the jitter always happens when the "bus interface load" values go up.

I have no idea though what causes this. Also filed a bug report on that.
ASW has been enabled by default in the latest Occulus 1.10 update. This is an unwelcome side effect of the new technology in action. :(
Well, I have noticed ASW at times, seeing my FPS drop to 45, without that noticeable lag, however, the lag in the menu is extreme, so didn't think it was ASW. I have a GTX 1080 arriving today , so hopefully it will resolve.
Well, I have noticed ASW at times, seeing my FPS drop to 45, without that noticeable lag, however, the lag in the menu is extreme, so didn't think it was ASW. I have a GTX 1080 arriving today , so hopefully it will resolve.

Naah, a GTX1080 will still see 45fps in station a lot of the time if you have details setings on high/ultra.

I find ASW does tend to cut in a bit early. You can press Ctrl-Numpad1 to turn ASW off and keep the older ATW mode - you'll see a little more judder (that ASW would smooth out), but menus/HUD etc will not show the artifacts/bleeding/wiggly lines that ASW introduces.

For low-end cards, ASW is a godsend... imo for high end cards, its more snakes than ladders.
the extreme lag on the mission menu is what we're discussing. played cor two hours tonight with the new 1080 with no mission menu problemz
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I noticed a lot less lag in the mission menus after v2.2 was released.

Haven't noticed anything recently although my PC has been out of action for a week. I would suspect mission server lag. If changing to a 1080 fixed it for you, hopefully it will stay fast!
I used the debug tool to see the FPS inside the glasses. The jidder occurs when the FPS are between 45 and 90.
Looks like it is better when forcing 45FPS. have to do more testing as i do not wanz to upgrade from 980 to 1080 atm.
G'Day Gents,

have the same issue here. CV1 + 980. When opening the star port service in 9 of 10 times the Jitter starts - absolutely no problem anywhere else whatsoever! Sometimes it stops even if still in the menu, sometimes it stops 1-2 minutes after leaving the menu. I also get sound issues with the oculus headphones (extreme crackling) once this issue kicks in (not everytime though). So I already de-mounted the headphones and started using my G933 again, but that hasn't changed the Jitter situation!
Ok, I think i got it sorted. At least I was playing this night for 2h without any Jitter at all. As I have seen using the Debug Tool that the Jitter occurs when FPS are between 45 and 90 I played with Ctrl+Numpad1/2/3/4.
Ctrl+2 seems to lock it at 45 FPS. I don't get any Jitter, I don't see other strange effects that many here describe when ASW kicks in. It just seems to work smoothly on my machine now. I hope it stays this way.

Been in Stations, in the menues, on planets and Settlements...

980 GTX mildly Overclocked
ASUS Z170 Board
i5 6600K OC @4.2GHz
16G Ram

Settings 0.65 SS, 2.0 HMD Image Quality, Bloom off, Blur Off, Shadows medium, Occlusion off (makes no difference if off or high), the rest high, some even ultra.

Also I installed the latest Nvidia drivers released two days ago.
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