Late to the VR party...but...Ohhhhh Mai gawd!

My expectations for VR were relatively low. I haven't got the meatiest machine to run it so was pretty much set on having to dial down most stuff.

That first moment... that very first moment when setting up the Rift when setting up the sensor i knew something quite remarkable was happening. Nothing quite prepared me for the experience. You can read all the reviews you want, watch all the YouTube videos you can but nothing, i mean nothing can prepare you for those first tentative and somewhat disorientating steps in Virtual Reality.

i have spent the last 2 week literally reading every piece of information i can regarding the Rift/Vive on Elite Dangerous. I ended up going for the Rift, purely because i don't have room for roomscale (yet... plans are afoot to convert our unused basement into a games/VR arena)

After the inital jaw dropping wow factor of dreamdeck where myself, my other half, the kids all had a play around, it was then time for me to fire up Elite. As I said before, my expecatations were low and as i sifted through various menus, lowering details, copying advice from various sources online. i finally hit the 'apply' button and donned my HMD.

Oh My Actual *#%^ing God!

Gobsmacked, well and truly gobsmacked. I can't describe it in all honesty, and i now fully understand it when people say that they just cannot describe the feeling of actually sitting IN a cockpit, actually ENTERING a game rather than just looking at it through a lifeless 2D window.

I was so skeptical of all of those people that said it is a gamechanger, my game looks awesome on a 2D monitor, VR won't be ALL that surely. how wrong, how completely and utterly wrong. Elite Dangerous in Virtual Reality is THE single most amazing and groundbreaking moment i have had in my 35 odd years of gaming. We've come a long way from the VCS2600 and the Sinclair ZX81 (my first 'computer' and first 'gaming' console).

I finally went to bed last night/this morning at 3:45am. I didn't do much, still tinkering with settings, trying to get the best out of my setup. I haven't even scraped the surface of anything in ELite, after the initial mind altering feeling of being injected INTO a video game i did one Sothis Bio waste run, no waiting to fill up my cargo, just the first mission back to the bubble. never have 20 or so jumps in my ASP explorer been so hauntingly serene.

I literally will never be able to play this game in 2D again. yes the resolution is lower and i did have a little trouble adjusting to it but the hit to resolution just kind of fades away as the feeling of immersion and presence takes hold.

For anyone 'on the fence' about dipping your toes into the world of VR I say this......Don't wait, if you have the disposable income and you really want to experience the evolution of gaming and computing in general, take the plunge.

Elite DAngerous, for me is the Poster child of Virtual Reality. I know there are problems but the devs have done an incredible job of this brave new world of VR.

Welcome to the club :)
Now you to will have your free moments sucked away by the awesome beauty of Elite in VR. I cannot go back to using the monitor to play any more, but every session turns into a marathon.
In 2.2 Beta i've been taking advantage of the reduced costs to buy random ships just to see what the cockpits are like. The Sidewinder with it's little mesh pocket containing a thermos flask and flight training manual, the FAS with the twin coffee machines, looking behind you in the Cutter/Corvette/Anaconda to get a sense of scale on the bridge, the bad carpet in the Fer de Lance, the cavernous cathedral of glass that is the Keelback... Even the unbelievably cramped Taipan...

I went back to the Sol system and just sat in orbit watching the sunset over the Mediterranean... And you can't even begin to explain to someone (even if they use head tracking) what it is like to dog fight in a Viper Mk IV through the tight confines of a gas giant ring system.

I'm sorry to say, you may never see your wife and kids again :)
Nice write-up - thanks for sharing. My Oculus arrived yesterday. I didn't actually have time to get it set up last night and I don't want to rush the process and spoil those early moments so I'm kind of saving myself for the weekend. Even without switching it on tho' I have to say it's a beautiful piece of kit, even the box it comes in reeks of quality.

Nice write-up - thanks for sharing. My Oculus arrived yesterday. I didn't actually have time to get it set up last night and I don't want to rush the process and spoil those early moments so I'm kind of saving myself for the weekend. Even without switching it on tho' I have to say it's a beautiful piece of kit, even the box it comes in reeks of quality.


Alec, you really are in for an absolute treat and an altering of the way you'll look at gaming, especially in Elite D.
Good aint it :D I love the Sidewinder and Cobra cockpits soooo much in VR. I don't think I could bring myself to delete my save but I'm serioulsy considering crashing all my ships without rebuying so I get to work my way back up through the ships.
Good aint it :D I love the Sidewinder and Cobra cockpits soooo much in VR. I don't think I could bring myself to delete my save but I'm serioulsy considering crashing all my ships without rebuying so I get to work my way back up through the ships.

I am THAT close to resetting and starting over in VR.... but.... reasons!!
I don't think I could bring myself to delete my save but I'm serioulsy considering crashing all my ships without rebuying so I get to work my way back up through the ships.

I am THAT close to resetting and starting over in VR.... but.... reasons!!

Guys, you've just spent over £500 on VR. For the sake of an extra £39.99, just buy yourself another copy of the game and start an Alt.
After a year or so off (stopped months before Horizons dropped) , I came back a few weeks ago and deleted my save. Felt awful for a few minutes, but the Horizons intro & tutorial was actually really good!

Plus with the community goals etc it hasn't taken me long to get back up to an semi a-spec Asp with 50 million in the bank :)
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Guys, you've just spent over £500 on VR. For the sake of an extra £39.99, just buy yourself another copy of the game and start an Alt.

the thought crossed my mind, but i opted to buy The Solus Project, chronos and other bits and pieces! i shall give it some consideration though!
Thanks for the story. In a way it mirrors mine since I've been playing Elite exclusively on the Rift since my preorder shipped in May. Two days ago for the first time I decided to temporarily switch back to my Acer X34 Predator for a few days until I have completed my 5K LY long-range exploration trip to unlock Palin.

Aside from the fact that exploring really isn't my thing, going back to a monitor has been...depressing to say the least. Scale is all wrong, immersion is just completely gone. My Anaconda's nose seems 6 feet long, and a cockpit looks like a caricature of what I'm used to. I'm not even going to get into orbiting stars, planets or anything else. I can't wait to get back into the bubble and switch back to the Rift.

This is probably as close I will ever come to experience outer space and what it will be like piloting a starship in the real future but that's OK. It's more than I could have imagined reading (comic) books and watching sci-fi movies, etc.

The scary thing is that this is literally the beginning; it will only get better including the technology as well as ED with new content being added. Hopefully other space games (are you listening RSI?) will also follow suit. Good times!

Got my Oculus in the summer, and can't imagine playing ED in 2D again! The first time my canopy broke, I nearly soiled myself :D

Now thinking whether I should also upgrade my rig, as my GTX 780 does stutter quite often, and the details have to be set quite low. I wonder how much the experience will improve(?)
It crossed my mind too but I have a lifetime expansion pass so would rather stick with my normal account. I'm gonna finish flying my ASP back from Colonia (18kly to go!) before doing anything rash. In all likelihood I'll end up changing focus from Exploration and trade to combat and work my way up through the ships as they become ineffective (I'm only on Novice). Combat in VR is way more enjoyable than on monitors. I find myself leaning forwards and looking sort of up and back to see what the other ship is doing... it's great fun and I'm much better now too.

Btw now you get what it is like remember the Apollo 11 VR experience I recommended.... ;)
It crossed my mind too but I have a lifetime expansion pass so would rather stick with my normal account...
I too have 'dallas lifetime pass" and am learning the patience of a saint while waiting to enjoy the next episode of ED - can't wait to get into it VR... am hoping to feel the same as the OP for sure
It crossed my mind too but I have a lifetime expansion pass so would rather stick with my normal account. I'm gonna finish flying my ASP back from Colonia (18kly to go!) before doing anything rash. In all likelihood I'll end up changing focus from Exploration and trade to combat and work my way up through the ships as they become ineffective (I'm only on Novice). Combat in VR is way more enjoyable than on monitors. I find myself leaning forwards and looking sort of up and back to see what the other ship is doing... it's great fun and I'm much better now too.

Btw now you get what it is like remember the Apollo 11 VR experience I recommended.... ;)

Yep, got that today also (Apollo 11) i'm not a lifetime sub but a backer so all the permits etc and beta access that comes with it i'm just fine with just poodling about in my Asp too. I only just got Horizons so have all that to look forward to. I haven't landed on a planet in VR yet, sooo looking forward to that. i've spent most of the day just adding stuff to my library, having a quick look at what i've bought then moving on to the next. i really can't wait to get into the bits i've bought. kid at christmas!!
I am massively envious of all you VR jockeys. But I am also very pleased to hear that all I have been imagining it would be like is pretty darn close to your experiences!

If only the financial damage I suffered in 2009 wasn't as bad I might be with you all in 3D!
I shall dream on and continue burning the fans out on my GTX560!

I too have 'dallas lifetime pass" and am learning the patience of a saint while waiting to enjoy the next episode of ED - can't wait to get into it VR... am hoping to feel the same as the OP for sure

I'm pretty sure you will love VR. I was worried about expecting too much and then after getting it was worried about saying things that would make people expect too much (what Rubix said says it how it is though). It is frankly bonkers; if the sun is shining on the canopy of your SRV in the right way you can actually judge the distance between the frame and the glass (about 10cm). The hyperspace count down is nearer to you than the rest of the UI... you can look right towards the engines and move you head back and forth and from side to side and everything moves like it would in real-life.
I'm pretty sure you will love VR. I was worried about expecting too much and then after getting it was worried about saying things that would make people expect too much (what Rubix said says it how it is though). It is frankly bonkers; if the sun is shining on the canopy of your SRV in the right way you can actually judge the distance between the frame and the glass (about 10cm). The hyperspace count down is nearer to you than the rest of the UI... you can look right towards the engines and move you head back and forth and from side to side and everything moves like it would in real-life.
oh yes.. i am am hoping for the suspension of dis-belief in VR!
Despite the initial gfx presentation that others have noted, this Vr thing will get better no doubt but having been here waiting for Frontier to <sort it out> since i backed it kickstarter way back i'm as optimistic and as lost and excited as a new comer.

It's taken me since 2014 to save for a VR gfx card and pC and now i'm about to configure an ol' x52 buttons

oh yes.. i am am hoping for the suspension of dis-belief in VR!
Despite the initial gfx presentation that others have noted, this Vr thing will get better no doubt but having been here waiting for Frontier to <sort it out> since i backed it kickstarter way back i'm as optimistic and as lost and excited as a new comer.

It's taken me since 2014 to save for a VR gfx card and pC and now i'm about to configure an ol' x52 buttons


Do you have HTC vive and not the Rift?
Nice review Rubix. Welcome to the new world.
I too was concerned and hesitated a week before I pulled the trigger. Best purchase I have made in a long time. I was once considering adding a hard drive for what is coming but, I find myself deleting so many non VR games that I no longer have an interest in that I now have tons of space available for what is to come. We are all fortunate to be in on the revolution of gaming.
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