General Gameplay Let us command the ranger team to distract escaped dinosaurs. (And make ranger vehicles vulnerable)

I was looking at the announcement trailer and saw how a ranger vehicle was deployed as the acu is getting ready to tranquilize the escaped tyrannosaurus rex. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could command a vehicle to distract a major threat as we are getting ready by tranquilizing the more vulnerable yet still dangerous escaped dinosaurs.

So a storm came to our island and caused our raptor pack, T-rex, and indominus rex to escape. We know that we want to take care of the situation as fast as possible with as little casualties as possible. We want to take care of the raptor pack, but they would be vulnerable to a large carnivore fatality if tranquilized. Likewise, we do not want to lose our large carnivores in a death duel. So we have the option to send a ranger team to distract the indominus rex as we send the acu team to tranquilize the T-rex first. This will allow ample time to control the situation. However, ranger vehicles sent to distract an escaped dinosaurs are now vulnerable to be destroyed. So it is a matter of dealing the problem by yourself with risk of dinosaur caused fatality, or send out a ranger team and potentially lose them temporarily in order to get everything under control.
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