Let's build a New Eden - Arcadia Bridge

Hello Commanders!

Today our political background, BGS and power play is no important.
Nevermind how different we are, who we support. Let's do something big together.

The Idea:

Colonia Bridge was a big succes some time before. Let's do it again. With upcoming colonisation update we can work togeter to create a big footprint on the shape of the galaxy. I know it will be hard, but still possible. We are looking to a new direction in Arcadian Stream and Trojan Belt. There are two players minibubble made of Fleet Carriers:


Eden Project:

We can build a Bridge - daisy chain of colonized systems. I know for now it is only 10 Ly, but.. we can at least try with hope it will be more in the future.


For now you can check systems around and put interesting places to the form here:

All results are here with delay:

How to cooperate?

1. We are working together, what means, there is no important who claim the system, because our direction is the same. We just need to create a route and cooperate with colonise this daisychain.
2. Check systems near the Bubble (directed to the New Eden/Arcadia)
3. Check systems on the road between the Bubble and Arcadia/New Eden - we can use them in the future as stops (to easy orientation - you can go somewhere to the Coalsack Nebula)
4. If you want to be an Architect in some system, just say it, we want to cooperate, what mean everyone can be an Architect. As a group we just need create a Bridge.

This is an idea, and this info might change in the future. I will add more info. But all important thing stays - direction, no BGS and no Powerplay engagement.

CMDR MichaelRyan

Ryan Family Foundation
Extrasolar Xenobiology Organisation
Yesterday The Burr Pit published great video with visualization of expanding Bubble (I think made by Canonn). It shows very well what is possible to reach in like one year of colonisation with 10Ly jump. It's not enough of course to build the Bridge, but it doesn't mean we can't start.
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