Living the Life of a Space Hobo (with Fleet Carriers)

At my first place of work, we played a game where the group would choose alternative careers for everyone, mine was a Hobo. Last weekend I got to live my alternative career.

At the weekend I hitched a lift to Colonia on CMDR Travers fleet carrier "The Odyssey". He set the departure time and a route schedule and it really felt like a trip.
The trip started Saturday morning and was timed to be completed by 14:00 Sunday. CMDR Travers created his own discord channel for the trip as well, so we all stayed in touch.

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The Odyssey

Unfortunately this fleet carrier did not have an Outfitting or Shipyard so I could only bring a single ship with me. Next time I hope I can catch one with Outfitting and or a Shipyard or even take my own one.
At first I was umming and arring over which ship to take with me, in the end I decided on the best all-rounder, a python. Also, it was less of a decision and more of a "Oh S@it" I'd better get on board before it is gone. I quickly nipped off and got a cargo hold full of Tritium (at a painful 45000 CR per tonne), and then boarded the carrier. At the first chance I got I donated the Tritium to the carrier as a contribution to the trip.
At around 07:30 Saturday morning we set off. I was not the only commander on board, there were several others. We did interact a little as well, but we were mainly stuck on our landing pads.

The worst thing about the jump sequence is not being able to use your camera when the carrier is in its jump sequence, there is not even a portal or a screen in the hold with which to view anything through. Even a hamster, in a cage, gets to see more! I guess the developers priority was to just get it working.

It takes the carrier around 15 minutes to complete a jump sequence followed by a further 5 minute cooldown and I guess CMDR Travers needed a few minutes to refuel every now and then. So after each jump you have around 10 minutes to "stretch your space legs" so to speak. I sometimes would go and scan some planets and in a few places I even got to make a full surface scan on some.

Sometimes when we came out of hyperspace the fleet carrier would come out near the entry star, other times it would come out in the middle of nowhere, several hundred thousand ls to the nearest planet. I guess this piece of work is not quite finished. Again, developer priorities, get it working without any clangers.

On Saturday CMDR Travers planned a stop off in "Skaudai AM-B d14-138". This systems has some Guardian Ruins and some Stellar Phenomena.

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Stop Off Point


Near to the Guardian Ruins (picture coutesy of another commander)

Before I visited the ruins, which I left to the last minute the following morning, I quickly ventured out and did some system scans and soon found another system with some "Stellar Phenomena". In system Skaudai AM-B d14-122 I found: some purpley spikey things and some big coj0nes.

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Space Balls (and Purpley Spikey Things)

I did not realise how common they are out in the black until I got to Colonia. There's lots of them in Colonia.

In nearby "Skaudai CH-B d14-34" there is a remote station "Sacaqawea Space Port", I though I would pop in and see what services they had. It seems this system is in the grip of pirates, I noticed a level 7 Pirate Activity hotspot whilst passing through. Anyways, I noticed that this system also had a fleet carrier parked up, "The Rogue's Den", but the owner was not around. He did have Outfitting and Shipping so I went to his carrier and took a chance. I wanted to see how much it would cost to recall a ship or even a ship part from the bubble. However, to recall even the most basic of ships, the price was a bit absurd so I gave that a miss. I took a chance and recalled enough ship parts that I could use to equip a DBX when I get to Colonia, assuming "The Rogue's Den" was heading to Colonia, I took the gamble anyway.


The Rogue's Den

Finally I returned to Skaudai AM-B d14-138 and parked up for the night. Whilst I was away, another fleet carrier parked up in the same system, "Nostalgia for Infinity", the Code's fleet carrier.

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Nostalgia for Infinity

They were asking CMDR Travers if he could spare any Tritium. He sold them some and we parted ways.


CMDR Travers Negotatiating (courtesy of CMDR Travers)

On Sunday, at the pre-appointed time CMDR Travers continued onwards to Colonia. I stayed online for a bit but then left it CMDR Travers to complete the trip whilst I took my BFF (Super Sassy Sally) for walkies.

When I got back, and "spaced out again", as my family calls it, we were one stop from Colonia. We arrived and everyone went off to do there own thing, I personally went off to get some thank you fuel (a second load). Then I went looking for the "The Rogue's Den" fleet carrier, in the end I guessed correctly and it was heading to Colonia, so I retrieved my parts (but I had to wait a couple of days)..

Anyway, there is a social side to fleet carriers, the big problem is knowing where they are going and when.


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Nicely written story (y) ...and as a fellow passenger, yes, that journey was somewhat special to me, too.

I too hope there will be a better communication about this kind of "ferry service" and also some kind of mechanic to pay the FC owner for the trip, especially when they set up a regular service, maybe weekly.
At the moment it's all about honesty and honour and that won't work forever if the ferry service owners solely have to pay for the trip and get nothing in return for their time and efforts.
When I got back, and "spaced out again", as my family calls it,

My wife says "are you going into space again tonight?" In the same way that she would ask if I'm going up the pub.

Very good explanation and images, enjoyed the read and also answered a few questions about the FC's. Good luck on your future travels! (y)
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