Looking for an independent PvP/PvE group

Title is the tl;dr. I'm looking for a new group, my old group seems to be drifting away from Elite. I like working the BGS, and I also enjoy PvP. I have experience at both, and I'm looking for a group that isn't actively involved in PowerPlay, isn't pirates/terrorists, has a player minor faction and is reasonably active. I'm on most days. Unfortunately, finding others seems to be getting harder.
My tastes are the same as yours.

I transferred from Mobius to Ghost Legion in December & have never regretted it.

Take a look, see what you think.
isn't actively involved in PowerPlay
isn't pirates/terrorists
We are not
has a player minor faction
We control 16 systems and always looking for BGS players to take on Governship of new system
is reasonably active
Delta Squadron Discord Server: https://discord.gg/tAUJv8x

If you are still looking we could use an experienced commander like you, we're a relatively new player group, at the moment we have a mix of new and experienced players, mostly the former. We've already adopted several in-game minor factions, one in particular is very unique and may have once been a player-owned faction (it led two CGs earlier this year), but we cannot find any other mention of it on the forums, plus since those CGs it lost all influence it had in its home system and stayed at the bottom, so thinking it may be abandoned we stepped in and raised it from the bottom of the barrel with no assets to #2 standing in the system, plus 1 outpost and 1 planetary settlement. Not trying to brag, I'm just very proud of my friends' accomplishments, we've managed a lot with very little. Anyway, plan is to ask Fdev about that minor faction, adopt it if no one else has, otherwise contact them and let them know they have a friend in us, then go get ourselves a brand new one. Before that however we'll need to be officially recognized as a player group....I know, I know, we should've done so already, but some members voted we wait until we have a few more members and also we're not sure we like the current name "Elite Shadow Consortium" as it doesn't at all reflect our values. We fly and flight (PvP and PvE) for representative government, common law, human rights, checks-and-balances constitutional governance, etc yadda-yadda, you catch my drift. You'll especially like that we're mostly disenchanted with Power Play; instead we focus on supporting a number of minor factions all over the bubble.

TL;DR version: we're new but energetic and would appreciate you joining and helping us get started! From what you've stated, sounds like we want the same things. PM me if you're interested, if not, please put in a good word with other player factions, we're interested in forging alliances as we take our place in the galaxy.
Thanks to everybody for the responses, I've decided to head out into the black for a while, gonna take the long route up the spiral arm to Colonia, and then take the reeeaaallllyyy long route down the other arm back to the bubble, but I'll definitely be having a look-see at these groups when I get back. Fly safe(ish) CMDRs. 07
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