Looking for EU tz group

As the subject says, i'm EU timezone and looking for:

Not a huge group, don't want to just be another number in the horde
Mature (i'm 31 y/o)
Some sort of goal oriented group is always nice
Preferably in empire as i did work standings there until i stopped playing several months ago.. but i guess i can move to alliance space or other independent areas

Try AEDC. We are not huge although we do have numbers :) But we also very organized and friendly group with actvie Teamspeak and forum. We know exactly what we want and how to get it :p

We stand for the Alliance and there's plenty of EU players among us but we are international group. We are also mature in general :) Some older, some youger though.

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Hello! I represent the I.P.C. a group of Independent pilots from all across the world. The bulk of our pilots fly during EU time. We are about 20-30 strong but of course we are not all on at the same time. We are very goal and mission oriented and have several of our own personal operations running. We take the side that we see fit. It may be Empire on day and Federal the next. Come check us out!
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