Horizons Major Faction Reputation

Hi everyone.

Has anyone any thoughts on how to speed up increase in reputation status. I'm currently at 40% Friendly and inching up in 1% increments after such things as makeing a donation or killing a wanted ship. Is it always this slow or are there ways to speed it up?
Any actions (trading, selling exploration data, doing missions, handing in bounty vouchers) to minor faction part of the major faction will increase your reputation with major faction. Note that rep over 75% will decay back to 75% (from allied to friendly) if you don't keep doing actions that increase rep, same from other end from hostile to unfriendly if you stop being bad boy.

Why you need rep with major faction? There is 0 benefits for that. If you are after military rank progression only missions count towards that.
I found bounty hunting is best. Find a station/system where the ruling faction is aligned to your power of interest and has a RES.

I reckon it takes about 7 million in bounties to get allied.
Compromised nav beacons are much better like Haz RES. because you have many ships on quite small place and they're dangerous/deadly/elite so you get bounty quickly and you'll get more points for combat rank at the same time. Of course best place is comp. nav beacon with Large station in same system where you can sell the bounty vouchers then. This is quickly way to get a reputation.
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As noted, increasing your rep with local factions allied with the major faction, will add to your major-faction rep.

But I'm told that there are diminishing returns per local faction. Ie you make more progress by taking a local faction from neutral to friendly to allied than when continuing to build rep with a local faction that you're already allied with.
However, my understanding on that is a year old so might be out of date.
Any actions (trading, selling exploration data, doing missions, handing in bounty vouchers) to minor faction part of the major faction will increase your reputation with major faction. Note that rep over 75% will decay back to 75% (from allied to friendly) if you don't keep doing actions that increase rep, same from other end from hostile to unfriendly if you stop being bad boy.

Why you need rep with major faction? There is 0 benefits for that. If you are after military rank progression only missions count towards that.

Many thanks to you all for your input. I'd like to progress to allied to access the missions that require it.
And don't take any time off.
As a casual player (a few hours a week) who got Allied with the Feds long ago, it's frustrating to see it back at 75% Friendly every time I log in.

Reputation decay is FDs unnecessary equivalent of that crappy Daily Reward mechanism in 'app' games.
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Something I've noticed is the higher your rep, the better the mission payout. Problem I'm seeing is that after one is allied with a local faction, major faction rep ceases to increase on mission completion. I ran fed rep missions all day (got good $), but major rep only went up 1%. Tomorrow I'll lose 2%. FDEV, please fix this.
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