General Gameplay Make twisters kill dinosaurs/guests/rangers/ACU choppers

How about this: Destructible to Guests, Ranger Jeeps, ACU Choppers, and maybe some of the tour vehicles like the Ford Explores (as those cars can be destroyed by carnivores). That I think will provide more of a fair enough intense challenge than being destructive to dinosaurs because other wise, it would become extremely tedious after experiencing what they are already like myself for countless times, especially when a scripted tornado will actually spawn in Claire's Sanctuary's campaign on Nublar North to terrorize your carnivores you must keep as they are mission required. If a twister were to kill them, and you have no quick way to protect them, what do you think the results would be for the general public afterwards?
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You know, twisters could be decreased in chance in Challenge mode.

Twisters as of now are just annoying and dont add any meaningful elements to gameplay. they should be something that is very rare and when they do happen they should at least wreck any man made objects such as vehicles. I can understand not harming dinos since there would be nothing to escape but then again they could make it affect only small dinosaurs (anything from compy to gallimimus).
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