Marine Reptile cohabitation

I feel like the marine reptiles need to be able to cohabitate more. As it is, with the amount of space taken up by lagoons and the small size of the maps, there's really only enough room to display two, MAYBE three marine species unless you're making a dedicated marine park. If more of the marine reptiles could cohabitate, we'd be able to display more of them safely without taking up the entire park.
I know right... it's so weird Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus and Attenborosaurus can't coexist; I mean, what reason do small piscivores that eat small fish have to kill each other?
Because they are all competing for the SAME small fish. If someone is consistently stealing your food, what happens?
Because they are all competing for the SAME small fish. If someone is consistently stealing your food, what happens?
If there's enough food to feed everyone, why would they need to fight over food?

Plus, they're not even fighting over food... they are literally swimming up to each other and fighting for no apparent reason.
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You can have up to three species in one lagoon depending on the combination. I've had Ichthyosaurus, Attenborosaurus, and Mosasaurus together (eight, four, and one respectively) in a 12-section lagoon with six fish feeders and the mosa's two shark feeder requirement, and they never harmed each other. As long as there's plenty of space and enough food, compatible and neutral animals should coexist peacefully. I'll post the seven animals' stats and Likes/Dislikes to help.

Attenborosaurus: Medium size, likes Small animals (Ichthy and Plesio), dislikes other Medium animals (Elasmo, Lio), neutral towards Large animals (Mosa, Tylo)

Elasmosaurus: Medium size, likes Small animals (Ichthy and Plesio), dislikes other Medium animals (Attenboro Lio), neutral towards Large animals (Mosa, Tylo)

Ichthyosaurus: Small size, doesn't have any Likes, dislikes other Small animals (Plesio), neutral towards everything else

Liopleurodon: Medium size, likes Small animals (Ichthy and Plesio), dislikes other Medium animals (Attenboro, Elasmo) and Tylo, neutral towards Mosa

Mosasaurus: Large size, likes Small animals (Ichthy and Plesio), neutral towards Medium animals (Attenboro, Elasmo, Lio), dislikes Tylo

Plesiosaurus: Small size, doesn't have any Likes, dislikes other Small animals (Icthy), neutral towards everything else

Tylosaurus: Large size, likes Small animals (Ichthy and Plesio), neutral towards Medium animals (Attenboro, Elasmo, Lio), dislikes Mosa

So you can have one Small, one Medium, and one Large species in a lagoon, given enough space. 12-15 lagoon sections should work best, and make sure there are a lot of fish feeders, especially if you have the max of each clutch of eggs in the lagoon. Something else to point out is that Ichthy and Plesio will panic around Liopleurodon but be calm around Attenboro and Elasmo, since the latter two are incapable of eating them, so for best results give Lio its own personal lagoon.

Addendum: I finished determining the lagoon size of every species, so this might help you determine the size of a cohabitation lagoon. This was done with one of each species, if you have more of each add 1-3 extra sections (disregarding Ichthyosaurus, who even with max 8 individuals is still happy with 3 sections):

Attenborosaurus: 4 sections

Elasmosaurus: 4 sections

Ichthyosaurus: 3 sections

Liopleurodon: 3 sections

Mosasaurus: 5 sections

Plesiosaurus: 4 sections

Tylosaurus: 5 sections

This means that if you want, say, 8 Ichthys, 2 Attenboros, and a Mosasaurus together, you should make a lagoon with 12-13 sections. Have around 5-7 fish feeders scattered around the rim, and 2 shark feeders where the Mosasaurus claims its territory. This should ensure your aquatics will be happy and refrain from harming each other.
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Thank you for the info, I'd still like to see a way to display them that takes up less real-estate though. As it is, the maps are too small to display a decent number of species and just trying to display all the marine reptiles will take up at least half of the largest map. In the first game even, using the gene alterations and the biggest map, it was very much possible to display every species in the game and have all their needs met. I'd just like to be able to do that again.
Thank you for the info, I'd still like to see a way to display them that takes up less real-estate though. As it is, the maps are too small to display a decent number of species and just trying to display all the marine reptiles will take up at least half of the largest map. In the first game even, using the gene alterations and the biggest map, it was very much possible to display every species in the game and have all their needs met. I'd just like to be able to do that again.
The Humility gene and Humble trait are the best answer to that. If every dinosaur in the park has them then they'll all require 30% less of all their environmental needs. Best way to go is to increase Humility from 50-100% and, if not using 100%, selecting all the eggs that have Humble.
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