Horizons Massacre Anlave Holding Transport Ships?

Ok I'm in Anlave and have 2 tickets to destroy these bad boys but the conflict zones consist of 2 other factions. Where can I find the CZ's for Anlave Holdings Transport Ships?
I get it there's a ceasefire as indicated in the daily rags but I still have missions with time-frames plus there are still missions on offer to massacre the sides in the ceasefire.

Will I lose kudos with the factions offering the bounties?
The problem you have is that the controlling faction CONTRAIL also went into civil war, and I think that confused the bgs somewhat. 2 wars should not have been going at once and when our war started the 2 factions in our war seem to have taken over the CZ's. What I understand should of happened is the first war between transport holdings, vs peoples Anlave should have finished first before the contrail one started, but this didn't happen.

Both wars are now over.
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