Horizons Materials collection - crater ejecta

Hi, nothing to do with the beta this one. I'm collecting materials on planets and I notice that I'm much more successful finding stuff I want in the ejecta hills than on the plains. What I don't know if is this is simply the RNG or is this actually real. Does anyone else have the same experience? Thanks.
I try and find stuff on plains if I can, as it is much easier to travel around. Usually Meteorites come in 3's so once you have found 1, 2 more usually pop up in close proximity. Hilly terrain is awkward to say the least. I found really been very successful with craters.
The distribution doesn't seem terribly logical - I've had pretty similar luck in open plains, ejecta plumes, outside craters, inside craters, valleys etc it's just all over the shop.

Mostly I land near small craters, they're pretty and interesting to drive around. Larger canyons are great too, but your search area is reduced significantly :(

The Rock Rats probably have the low-down on this, but I hear it's changing some in 2.1 so might not be worth learning too deeply
OK, thanks. It's just me then. Sometimes you begin to see imaginary patterns in the RNG dice rolls and think you've beaten the system :rolleyes:
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