Merits - How do they apply


Sorry if this has been answered but I cannot find it if it has.

I have just over 91K merits but stuck at 0 rank.

It was my understanding (probably wrong) that I did not have to do the side missions, is this wrong? Do I need to complete all 5 before my merits apply?

Sorry if this has been answered but I cannot find it if it has.
No worries, since there are tons of threads on these forums to search through. You probably missed this similar thread from today from another player here-->
I have just over 91K merits but stuck at 0 rank.

It was my understanding (probably wrong) that I did not have to do the side missions, is this wrong?
Unfortunately , you were wrong in this particular case. See below....
Do I need to complete all 5 before my merits apply?
Yes, as noted within the ingame mail that should be in your inbox , you must do the FIRST 5 Weekly Assignments to completion ONCE to unlock Ranking progress.
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