Parks MKP Columbus World


Hi all!

This is my very first park in Planet Coaster. I play theme park construction games since roller coaster 2, almost 15 years.
I am very happy to play now the game we always dream.

I'm proud to show you the first screenshots from my MKP Columbus World, a High themed park that will bring you back to the 16th century. When the first european sailors came to what at that time was called "the new world" currently known as America.

Its under construction, I think I will need at least 3 more months to finish it up.
NO WORKSHOP ITEMS HAS BEEN USED, everything is created by myself

It has 4 areas:

After the arrival to America of Christopher Columubus in 1492, Sevilla became the city where people should go if they want to go to the new world. As New York City for people in the earlier 20th century, Sevilla was one of the greatest cities in the world, the economy was based on the ships with gold and silver that came to the port. Great builds as the Cathedral, made the skyline of the city breathtanking for people from 6 centuries ago.



El Nuevo Mundo (The new world):
The first view Spanish conquerors had from the new world was something absolutely different from their motherland: Emerald jungles, turquoise beaches, new food such as tomato or potato, new and wild animals an a wonderful and vast landscape. Spanish built fortifications everywere, in order to keep the control of the incredible resources as gold, silver and gemstones.



Viejas Civilizaciones (Old civilitations):
Soon or later cultures across the atlantic should get in touch, and that happened in the 16th century. Aztec empire was there since always, you will travel throw the pyramides to the heart of a civilitation will charm you. Let's find El Dorado, enjoy their awesome food, and feel free to explore the the world in fron of you.



Isla Pirata (Pirate Island):
All european countries, was interested in the new world, many coutries created colonies there, but some other zones keep out of governments and laws, lets discover Pirate Island, here you will have no more law that enjoy your new Pirate life. Explore the wonderful Death bay with its very unique port or walk throw the privateer town.



If you like, I can show you the way I create the park in following posts.
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I really like this park. It looks fantastic and it looks realistic in one. Would love to see more details from the Sevilla harbour and the Pirate Bay .
Thank you for all your comments.

Spanky, I show you more of the pirate cave (30% of the pirate themed area of the park)

View from the queue of MKP Corsario, the roller coaster which runs over the cave of Pirate Island, which is a Optopus :)



View of Sevilla harbour from the city


Finally I show you last days' progress in the queue of the hybrid coaster El Dorado in the old civilitations area.



And the current view of the park!


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask :D
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Some amazing work gone into this (from what I can see). I will be downloading this tonight and having a proper look around! Do you mind informing me how long was spent on making all this?
Good work!
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