More realistic queue lines

We can't make any "queue plazas" with huge capacity of people.
I really want to make queues like this:





We should have the ability to connect the queue line near by to make a queue plaza.
And maybe an automatic modifying queue lik eyou see here:

If the queue isnt full, you dont have to walk the whole way.
Ride Queues

One thing that I have noticed this weekend that I do not like is how the queues are automatically curvy and do not line up when curved together like a realistic coaster queue. I like to play based on realism and I would like to see the option to be able to place queues such as these:




What about adding a queue for the first row, a seperate queue to the first car of the coaster. Maybe we can add this queue to the mainqueue where the peeps can choose to sit in the first row or in the other rows, maybe seat 2-10 and seat 1.
Maybe adding a single-line queue (is fast-pass simulary ? ) where peeps can wait seperate for the coaster, because I saw in a game-play that just one person sat in the coaster, and no one sat next to her.
Just to make the waiting times shorter. These queue we can add next to the mainqueue and combine it to the station.

What abot adding Waiting-Signs to the coaster where we can see how long the peeps have to wait.
Well we are at the start of this now that we have square corners.

Having the ability to add a small section of queue line for the first coaster car/front seats would be interesting.
Also, I remember seeing someone comment on facebook about having separate queues for each side of wing coasters, ow that would be cool.
You can now place square queu lines to create what you want. In the queue line menu click on the place to grid then click square paths. Works well and looks better.

My Queue Line Suggestions:

1. Shops for queue lines.

In alot of real theme parks you can buy food and drink from shops within the queue line. Really do need this in planet coaster as my queue lines are an hour wait like real life and my guests are hungry and in need of a drink.

2. Different types of Queue lines (Single Rider, Front Row, Fast Pass)

I know we have fast pass already but it has issues with it's current form. The fast pass should either be completely seperate from the main queue or should atleast be able to have the start connect to a normal path and not the ride queue line. The issue at the moment is that the queue's are not being used coorectly as people stop by the fast pass queues to decide if they can use it or not. This creates a backlog and then other guests are turned away due to the queue looking full when it's not.

Single ride queue to fill those gaps we see on most trains.

The main queue could split near the ride to create a front row queue.
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Right now, the closest you can get to making switchbacks is this:


(Make a narrow queue without path kerbs, change them to square paths, make a switchback and overlay a floortile over the path.)

Would be nice if they added the option to make the path texture join together as a whole plaza, and to make the fences singular instead of double.
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