More Realistic

Hi dino Fans and FRONTIER.....

First of all great job for frontier for making this wonderful piece of work everything looks beautiful...
i just want to say what i think would make the game realistic .

1. The repair team ..for example the fence , i notice that when repairing it , its done in a blink of an eye .. i would like it if the workers would get off the jeep and repair it for real like its shown on the trailer were the T-Rex breaks through , are like when building . and depending on the damage it will take time making it more dangerous for the workers and more chances for the dinosaurs '' TO FIND A WAY '' [smile] if you know what i mean...:cool:

2. The dino fights I've notice that the herbivore dinosaurs (not even the goat) don't panic when a carnivore comes close , there's this awkward moment between them , a pause i would say... And then i watched a video of two carnivores fighting and again the one ceratosaurus would copy the other ones moves ... '' I BIT YOU BIT , I ROAR YOU ROAR , I ATTACK YOU ATTACK '' again awkward there moves were the same... I'm not going to say about blood i believe the will be...BUT I Hope there will also be injuries like scares and claw marks after a battle...

3. I would like to see a little more splash in the water , when a dinosaur is running in the the water

4. I would like to see if you can release baby dinosaurs like sweet giants in the movie....

5. I hope to see families and kids running around...

6. I would love to see dinosaurs in the night.. ( day/night cycle )...

i hoped i helped and can't wait to play the game ..... best of luck and again great job...
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