General / Off-Topic Movie tip - "Europa Report"

Europa Report.
One of the best and most realistic sci-fi movies I've ever seen, on par with 2010, Moon (and somehow 2001 isn't completely up there for me, not sure why), and Contact.

Know that there is only one mission going on, the beginning can seem a bit confusing with time jumps until you catch on. Read the user reviews at imdb, to know what to expect - this is "sci-fi" as real as it gets :)

Sorry if this has been mentioned before.
Europa Report was not very realistic at all. In fact, it was the total opposite. There was no mission plan, no protocols for situations where something goes wrong, no system redundancy (no back-up systems for anything that they needed during the mission and humans were sent out where simple robots might have done the same job better etc.), completely unscientific and irrational decisions (let's all go down on that moon!), unrealistic equipment (space suits that rip on nails) etc. Add to that some very shallow characters and you will not be very impressed at all.
Europa Report was not very realistic at all. In fact, it was the total opposite. There was no mission plan, no protocols for situations where something goes wrong, no system redundancy (no back-up systems for anything that they needed during the mission and humans were sent out where simple robots might have done the same job better etc.), completely unscientific and irrational decisions (let's all go down on that moon!), unrealistic equipment (space suits that rip on nails) etc. Add to that some very shallow characters and you will not be very impressed at all.

Sounds like my sort of movie - sit back, veg out - and nooooo Thinking - unless you are dreaming about other Forum's :) then some Pirating old style might come to mind :)

I will have to reserve actual judgement until I actually see the movie.
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I felt like I'd seen it all before, so much so that I debated whether I needed to bother with a spoiler tag or not...
Mission to space, mystery, crew die one by one, been done 1000 times
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