My first first footfall :)


I name this place, Planet PINK.
Was it a true Armstrong moment?
Heh not really but it did feel great to step out to such a beautiful vista - and the first footfall does feel cool. It's not the same as first explored. Getting that on top of the footfall will be the money shot.
How can that be first footfall, when there is already a building? How was it brought there?
You tell me!

One would think: "Well, it's automated, whoever got there first didn't return, etc." but the fact is that all landable planets in the black I've mapped so far have human POI!
But does the first footfall credit show up in either the galaxy or system map UI? I assume it would be the system map if either. I'll check that planet when I get back on.
It shows in the system map instantly. You'll need the information pane open.
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