Parks Myrtle Beach Pavilion

I am making a recreation of MB Pavilion the way it was before. I might also make Family Kingdom as well. Too bad you can't edit the land beyond the park border to make an ocean. With a flattened park, you're stuck with high cliffs at spots. I hope the upcoming scenario editor gives us more options for editing land outside the park or buying more land. This is what I have so far. The park will be based on the 2000 and up time frame with the Hurricane coaster. I will have the Haunted Hotel ride with the haunted mansion roof pieces from the spooky pack, they look close to the roof that was on the Haunted Hotel facade after the 1992 remodel from Haunted Inn. A video of the inside on youtube will allow me to recreate the interior more accurately to how it was including an accurate track layout.

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