Need Fuel Assistance Please!

Was running a trade route and forgot to refuel at a station, so on the way to the next station I ran out of fuel! Please help me, I've turned off all systems and am stranded in the Chhal System right by the star.

I need about 8 tons of fuel. Willing to jettison as many Performance Enhancers as you can carry (worth 7k each) for your troubles! My Gamertag is NoodieBob
Hi, I'm around 120Ly away so I could help if you still need it.

Do I just need to equip a fuel transfer limpet controller or do I need something else as well?
We Fuel Rats have an XBOX chapter ! Come see us on !
You'll find everything you need : XBOX players ready to help, guides on how to refuel someone or wait for someone to refuel you.

to Refuel you need : Fuel Transfer Control module (take 1D, bigger isn't better), a C3 cargo hold (8T should be just fine), and buy limpets from the ammo screen. Also assign your controller to a fire group.
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Was running a trade route and forgot to refuel at a station, so on the way to the next station I ran out of fuel! Please help me, I've turned off all systems and am stranded in the Chhal System right by the star.

I need about 8 tons of fuel. Willing to jettison as many Performance Enhancers as you can carry (worth 7k each) for your troubles! My Gamertag is NoodieBob

Was Noodle Bob rescued? Or do I need to do his eulogy too?
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