Horizons Need to add interior design options

So I don't know if this suggestion has ever been made, but it seems to me that instead of focusing so much on the outside of the ship, that can only be seen by risking your ship for a few nice views, you create options to change the interior of our ships. We don't even get to enjoy looking at the "paid for" paint job during the load up. We just get an orange outline.
I think we need the options to change the interior. Maybe someone wants a nice leather trim, or some hardwood, maybe some carpeted floors. Maybe someone wants it to be all chrome or gold or white. I have never found a desire to purchase a paint job, because I never see it. However, if there were some nice interior design options, I'd be far more inclined to buy. This would be particularly enjoyable for VR players.
They would sell alot of this DLC.

Cmdr's get very attached to their ships.

Especially so with added Engineer mods.
I have no doubt interior design options (at a minimum we will be able to pick colors) will be added eventually, but only after walking around ships is implemented.
This is just speculation of course, I know as much as the next one, but I am willing to bet that I am right.

It has been discussed before. It is very hard to come up with something new after all this time :).
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Seconded. Also different HUDs for the different ships. It seems really strange that they should be the same for every ship. Like every car you buy having the exact same dashboard.
I think this often and have commented on it also. Especially changing the colours/finishes at the very least.

Second that!

The colors are not much of a issue since we can change the hud color, but changing how the cockpit looks with different materials would be something that I would really buy. I already saw all the options in the store of the paints for all the ships, I keep thinking to myself "why the hell would I spend 5 bucks on some cool ship textures if I am always inside my ship" ?

I do not mean the paint textures are bad, nothing like that, nor do I mean the people that bought are idiots, I just do not see the point of spending money in something that I cannot see. They are pretty cool for people that do streams or youtube videos and want to give cool presentations of the game, but for a gamer in general there is no value.

If I could customize the cockpit with different materials, different dashboards and so on, I would buy that from the store.

Better yet, have some stuff crafted to give more sense in getting materials from the game. Whatever....
I would pay to center my seat inside my FdL >< or at least get rid of these damn bars, but i doubt it will happen before 2/3 years at least (if ever).
Seconded. Also different HUDs for the different ships. It seems really strange that they should be the same for every ship. Like every car you buy having the exact same dashboard.

A HUD COLOR PICKER "In-game" is LONG overdue! Having it be ship specific would be a nice additional touch!

While a lot of ED players are modifying the color values in the .xml file to get them a blue, green, red or whatever HUD, that doesn't work as well as the stock color scheme because all the mod does is SHIFT the hues around. It actually messes up a lot of the important color cues in the game. Especially RED when you change the main color to blue as I did for a bit and eventually went back to stock.

Really surprised that after all this time FD has yet to give us COCKPIT Customization options! I think most of us would have taken that over Engineers any day of the week!
I would buy these for sure. Not allowing us to walk in our cockpits, and not offering cosmetic addons seems like a waste of good money making opportunity to me.

Bobbleheads be damned, I want an espresso machine in my courier.
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