Need to be on POWER PLAY contstantly

This maybe an over sight, but to sustain the rating in power play it is required to have at least the right amount of 'POWERPLAY' credits to stay in the level by the end of the week.
This is either 100, 750, 1500, 10,000.

It is a flaw because I cannot spend hours a day maintaining my rating.

I spent all day yesterday accumulating enough 'POWERPLAY' credits to advance to the 750 rating at the end of the week.

I don't normally have so much free time to play to that extent, so all the hard work I would have put in will be lost the next week, because I wont have at least 750 'POWERPLAY' credits to keep that rating.

So a waste of time. I will fall back to the beginning.

I think this is poorly thought through for people who enjoy 4-6 hours a week on the game, which is not enough game time to advance properly within the 'POWERPLAY' system.

I would love to play more, but I have other commitments, so 'Power play' does discriminate those who are unable to spend 24/7 on the game.
I spent all day yesterday accumulating enough 'POWERPLAY' credits to advance to the 750 rating at the end of the week.

I don't know how are you accumulating merits, but by undermining enemy powers you can earn that amount in about 2,5h :)
Taking a combat ship to enemy's system where undermining task sounds like; "destroy Fed-Aid/Federal Agent/Kumo Crew ship". You interdict those ships in supercruise and kill them. It's 15 merits for each ship, but you get bounty for puffing them.
Or, you can also do whatever you do to earn credits, and buy merits.

Unless you want to get that rank reward for "free", the game just doesn't work that way. You can't get something without investing your time. It wouldn't be fair to players that spend their time playing and helping their power.

Beside. If you can't get 750 merits (to maintain that rank you only need half of that each week, you only need 750 on the first week), why do you need a rank anyway? You can still participate in powerplay at lower ranks, or avoid powerplay completly. Higer ranks should be reserved for people that support their faction the most.

I'm a casual player as well, and I managed to get 1500 merits in 2 or 3 days, playing only couple of hours during weekend. So it's not that hard.
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