New galnet unsearchable

Wow. They killed the Gal Net.

That's a bad move. Instead of improving Gal Net, someone killed it. Not nice. I hope those responsible repair this misstep.

Reducing GalNet to a mere sidebar instead of a searchable data base is killing it. I am not exaggerating I think.

or maybe it's fully inentional because they don't want the old GalNet lore to matter anyomre. I hope that's not the case.

However OP, bring this forward to Dangerous Discussion.
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Honestly I'm a bit shy about creating a second thread on the upper forum ; unless some mod greenlights me or moves the thread

Furthermore for me it fits the Feature Requests (i.e. : asking for a non existant feature on a new HCI screen)
Yeah - this is bad, wondered why I couldn't find the 'classic' galnet any more. Not that the old one was very searchable.

The old data is still available via other sites - edsm / inara - though if they're scraping it from the old site that may also break :(
Please add better search than the old version and put back RSS. Also in the new version the article images are stretched out and pixelated in the article pages. Props for using Vue.js, but with Vue you can build complex forms with reacting results (hint hint, good for making a Galnet search :D).
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Yeah it'd be really nice to have the news feed, beginning from the very start of the game.

Absolutely needed: URL backwards compatibility for news items. This is currently UTTERLY BROKEN.
Format would be, for example.
yeah fdev really dropped the ball with this.

let's hope they get the message and maybe clean up the Archives in a new iteration for better searchability.
yeah still no word from FDev on this. I mean at least either confirm, that nothing in the old galnet is needed for finding new secrets(i.e. Raxxala) or moving all important history into the game or the new website in one form or another.
Wait, what? Come on FD, I thought "maintence mode" mean at least keeping existing stuff working. I did wonder why my 3rd party plugins were no longer getting up to date galnet news, I just assumed there wasn't any for the first week or so.
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