New guy needs a hand VR Questions

Hi all, I'm stuck and thought I would ASK about the things that are holding me up. I'm pretty frustratred that this point.
I'm brand new. Bought the game 2 yesterday. I'm playing it in VR on an Oculus. This is important because it appears to factor into some of the frustrations I', having. The game looks amazing in VR and I really want to work this out.

So I watched the tutorial videos.
- I killed everyone in all the combat missions.
- Undocked, traveled and docked again all kinds of times now.
Suffice to say I got the tutored basics worked out.

1. The Galaxy map is killing me. The tutorial is in flat screen which doesn't work the same. Clicking worlds in the VR does nothing. The selection mechanisim appears to be something completely different. Seems to relate to the blue circle but confirming the item in the circle a big "?"
1.2 - The pop up display about the system (little pop-up info box with buttons in the Galaxy map & System map) is unpredictable. I can't sort out the mechanism that brings it up in VR

2. The System map is even worse for navigation in VR. I'll explain what I'm seeing in the hope someone can point me in the right direction
2.1 - Mousing over a planet will often times show info for the planet to the left. Compensating somehow skips planets. i.e. Getting the pop-up box in for Nirvana in Aulin was a bloody nightmare, it kept jumping between Aulin 1 and Aulin 3 and the pop-up kept getting in the way of selecting Nirvana

3. This business of the FSD limit has me stumped. 2 days now I've been trying to set courses and get from A to B. First it was trying to get from Eranin to Wyrd for a mission. I never did get there. I tried going to Aulin and made it. As expected it set a course for multiple jumps but I have no clue how I got it to work because now I'm stuck again trying to go from Nirvana to LHS 3006. Once again I'm going through the time and effort to set up the course, take off, get away from the station only to discover I have to turn around and do it all over again. 2 days of this now. Add in Galaxy map problems and you can imagine the fun.

4. Tried doing missions but almost all missions have a red "accept" button.

5. Been trying to earn credits collecting data. I was notified that I had found new data (Blue message across the top of my HUD) but when I got back to the station I had nothing to they waned? (The station outside Nirvana again)

6. Tried going in open play to see if there was anyone to converse with but just got rear ended entering the base and had to pay for hull damage.

BTW.. I have about 14K creds.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi all, I'm stuck and thought I would ASK about the things that are holding me up. I'm pretty frustratred that this point.
I'm brand new. Bought the game 2 yesterday. I'm playing it in VR on an Oculus. This is important because it appears to factor into some of the frustrations I', having. The game looks amazing in VR and I really want to work this out.

So I watched the tutorial videos.
- I killed everyone in all the combat missions.
- Undocked, traveled and docked again all kinds of times now.
Suffice to say I got the tutored basics worked out.

1. The Galaxy map is killing me. The tutorial is in flat screen which doesn't work the same. Clicking worlds in the VR does nothing. The selection mechanisim appears to be something completely different. Seems to relate to the blue circle but confirming the item in the circle a big "?"
1.2 - The pop up display about the system (little pop-up info box with buttons in the Galaxy map & System map) is unpredictable. I can't sort out the mechanism that brings it up in VR

2. The System map is even worse for navigation in VR. I'll explain what I'm seeing in the hope someone can point me in the right direction
2.1 - Mousing over a planet will often times show info for the planet to the left. Compensating somehow skips planets. i.e. Getting the pop-up box in for Nirvana in Aulin was a bloody nightmare, it kept jumping between Aulin 1 and Aulin 3 and the pop-up kept getting in the way of selecting Nirvana

3. This business of the FSD limit has me stumped. 2 days now I've been trying to set courses and get from A to B. First it was trying to get from Eranin to Wyrd for a mission. I never did get there. I tried going to Aulin and made it. As expected it set a course for multiple jumps but I have no clue how I got it to work because now I'm stuck again trying to go from Nirvana to LHS 3006. Once again I'm going through the time and effort to set up the course, take off, get away from the station only to discover I have to turn around and do it all over again. 2 days of this now. Add in Galaxy map problems and you can imagine the fun.

4. Tried doing missions but almost all missions have a red "accept" button.

5. Been trying to earn credits collecting data. I was notified that I had found new data (Blue message across the top of my HUD) but when I got back to the station I had nothing to they waned? (The station outside Nirvana again)

6. Tried going in open play to see if there was anyone to converse with but just got rear ended entering the base and had to pay for hull damage.

BTW.. I have about 14K creds.

Thanks in advance for your help.

System map in VR is not something I am familiar with, but I have often thought about how difficult that must be to operate. I can barely do it using the X52. As for the other questions, the game is really complex and confusing for a new player. You need to rep up with the other factions to get offered better missions (though right now they are not working very well, hopefully they will provide a hotfix sometime this month :( ) As for being rear ended... well that's gonna happen a lot. For the FSD, just click on the system and choose the little plot to button, however again, VR might be very different.
Well you got further than me! Set up my Vive today but I'm stumped how to get ed playing in vr. I'm on a PC with a Frontier copy of ed. Ie not from Steam.
Cant help with the VR stuff, sorry. As for the FDS: your range depends on the ship, the FSD module and the current weight of your ship. The latter changes based on fuel and cargo on board. If you take on cargo or refuel, your raneg decreases and a previously plotted route may be impossible now. Missions have certain requirement. Check the description so see what the issue is (often reputation or cargo capacity). If you find intel data, you can sell it in a station at contacts->Authority contact. Other data is for engineering.
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I cannot help with VR concerns.

However, the data you have collected is generally for use in engineering custom components [Engineering] rather than something to sell. Let it collect for later, but don't worry about it for now.

Short range data courier missions are a gentle way to start, mission-wise. Your current mission access is likely limited due to reputation limits: You have to do a few small jobs with factions before they give you better paying jobs. The other thing that may be preventing you from accepting some missions is not having the requisite cargo space.

If you have 14k CR, you're doing better than I was. I had to reset my game after the first day, due to something like 100,000 CR in fines hanging over me. :)
I struggle with the galaxy map in VR aswell, though it gets easier when you have the most important destinations bookmarked.

For the travel within a system i personally use the left menu, and scroll down to the planet/station i wish to visit.

For travel over long distances within the galaxy (as in; multiple jumps required); just pick your final destination, and let the game plot a route for you. When you select the destination, 4 or 5 icons apear underneath it. The first icon tags the system as your destination, the second icons makes you plot a route through multiple systems which bring you there.

As for the missions and money making; if i were to start over, i would start scraping some money together untill i could afford a Cobra mkIII, and start doing some small scale exploring to get the credits rolling. Currently the mission-payout is a bit messed up, but the developer will address that issue in the next patch.
Also: You don't have to be docked to set a course. You can open the system and galaxy maps while in space. It doesn't pause the game, so don't fly towards planets doing it, or in combat.

- - - Updated - - -

For the travel within a system i personally use the left menu, and scroll down to the planet/station i wish to visit.

Great point! For local and inter-system travel, use the left side nav menu. Much, much quicker than firing up the galaxy map or system map each time.

This game has a steep learning curve, and can spank you hard sometimes, but you'll soon start getting to grips.
First off welcome to ED and VR, there is a VR sub forum you might want to check out.
1. If you are trying to use the mouse in the Galaxy map you are going to have a lot of trouble. If you have a HOTAS setup bind the Galaxy map controls to that, it is much easier.
1.2. see above, the pop up stays there if you are aligned properly.
2 & 2.1. As above bind controls to move the targetting circle, that way you get the target you want and the pop up stays there. Also zoom out to be able to Pan faster.
3. Not sure what your problem is?. Not having enough fuel to make the jump? (fuel scoop useful). Not having enough range in your ship?. You don't need to be in a station to plot jumps in the Galaxy map, you can bring it up when you are in flight. Also the next system in your route will have an icon next to it in the system list in the next panel if you deselect it for some reason. You can also bind a key to automatically select your next system. I have it mapped to a voice command (voice Attack is very useful for VR if you don't already have it)
4. If the accept button is red it means you don't have the rank or good enough relations with the faction offering the mission,
5. If you are trying the collect data missions, you will not get it from standard USS's. Go to the area you are meant to collect from and wait for one that will say 'mission target'.
6. The Galaxy is big, depending where you are in the bubble might mean you won't see anyone for weeks, you also might get randomly shot for the lulz. Rare, but it can happen. The in game chat system can be a bit of a pain, so even if you see someone you might get a reply. The full boxes/triangles on your scanner are npc's, the hollow ones are other players.
Hope this helps. Fly safe CMDR.
Ow and one more advice;

If you don't care for PvP (and want to avoid it completely), then i recommend joining the Private group Mobius (it is basically a group of 30000 players who play for the multiplayer-PvE element). See this link for more information:

Other then that; welcome to the show of your life and fly safe commander o7

At least try out open play before jumping into a PvE only group. Random PvP can be exciting, just don't fly ANYTHING that you don't have enough credits to cover the insurance fee on.

Also, zooming in on either map helps the game know which star or planet you want to select. In the galaxy map in particular your mouse is technically hovering over dozens of stars, zooming in reduces the number significantly.

Regarding navigation, the Sidewinder doesn't have a very big jump drive, especially if you haven't upgraded it yet. It's possible that you couldn't navigate due to this limitation.

Lastly, the best way to make money at the start is bounty hunting. Hang out it a nav beacon, find a wanted target and keep and eye on it. Eventually system security or NPC bounty hunters will engage, one they do you can swoop in and do enough damage to get credit, or get the killing blow. With a little luck you'll have hundreds of thousands of credits in an hour or so, and then a whole range of upgrade and game play options will be available to you.

Lastly, lastly, this if a time in the game where starting over doesn't represent very much loss, so don't be afraid to take risks and learn the consequences of the risks. One you're sitting on a ship with a few million credits the losses start to hurt more, so might as well go hard while it's cheap :)

Good luck, if you want a helping hand, advice from a long time vet, or just someone to chat and fly with, add me in game. Knight Raven is my commander name.

Welcome to ED, and right on, Commander!
1. The Galaxy map is killing me.
2. The System map is even worse for navigation in VR.
3. This business of the FSD limit has me stumped. 2 days now I've been trying to set courses and get from A to B. First it was trying to get from Eranin to Wyrd for a mission. I never did get there.
4. Tried doing missions but almost all missions have a red "accept" button.
5. Been trying to earn credits collecting data. I was notified that I had found new data (Blue message across the top of my HUD) but when I got back to the station I had nothing to they waned?
6. Tried going in open play to see if there was anyone to converse with but just got rear ended entering the base and had to pay for hull damage.

I don't have a VR setup, so I can't help much with 1 & 2. You can select a nearby system or in-system destination using the cockpit Navigation panel on the left. Elite Dangerous is a great game for VR.
3: A basic Sidewinder can't jump very far. Check the rightmost tab on the right cockpit display, to see your min/max jump range. It's on the lower left. Min indicates your jump range when fully loaded with cargo and fuel, while Max indicates your range with no cargo or fuel reserves.
4: That means you can't accept the mission, likely due to insufficient cargo space or something like that. I made most of my initial credits delivering cargo or data, but right now, those missions don't pay very well.
5: You need to travel at least 20 lightyears from the scanned system, before you can sell it. (Stations don't need data on nearby systems.)
6: Do not play in Open, until you've got a fully upgraded combat ship. (I've been playing for ~2 years and still avoid Open, since there are too many players who get their jollies killing other players.

If you post your current ship's outfitting stats, we can give you advice on build outs.

Avoid missions to find and deliver cargo, at least for now. Those missions will very often have a high-level NPC attack you. Try to avoid Anarchy systems for a while.

If you'd like to earn credits as a merchant without a high risk of attack, check to see what commodities your current station will sell, then deliver them to a nearby system which needs them. Use this website to find a good destination system; other parts of that site have lots of other useful info.

If you'd like to play with someone, I'd suggest joining a private group. Both of the groups I play in require you to promise to not attack any other players in that group: "Mobius PvE" and "Fleetcomm". PvE means player vs. environment and Fleetcomm is devoted to exploration. If you join either of those, I'll be glad to play with you and help teach you the ropes. In-game, I'm Topaz the Grouchy, just send a Friend request if you're interested. I'm on the East coast (USA) and generally play after 11:00 pm. Make sure you are set up for voice communication, which will make it a lot easier.

ED is a complex sandbox game, which has a significant learning curve and requires a fair bit of grinding to get anywhere. It's not a game for everyone, but it has a devoted fan-base. If you spend the time to learn the ropes, you will either love it or hate it, but you need to give it a chance.
6: Do not play in Open, until you've got a fully upgraded combat ship. (I've been playing for ~2 years and still avoid Open, since there are too many players who get their jollies killing other players.

As a player who started with his sidey in Open, and still flies a Hauler in open 18 months later: please keep any 'open is evil' propaganda to the Open vs Solo topic... :(
1. The Galaxy map is killing me. The tutorial is in flat screen which doesn't work the same. Clicking worlds in the VR does nothing. The selection mechanisim appears to be something completely different. Seems to relate to the blue circle but confirming the item in the circle a big "?"
1.2 - The pop up display about the system (little pop-up info box with buttons in the Galaxy map & System map) is unpredictable. I can't sort out the mechanism that brings it up in VR

2. The System map is even worse for navigation in VR. I'll explain what I'm seeing in the hope someone can point me in the right direction
2.1 - Mousing over a planet will often times show info for the planet to the left. Compensating somehow skips planets. i.e. Getting the pop-up box in for Nirvana in Aulin was a bloody nightmare, it kept jumping between Aulin 1 and Aulin 3 and the pop-up kept getting in the way of selecting Nirvana

3. This business of the FSD limit has me stumped. 2 days now I've been trying to set courses and get from A to B. First it was trying to get from Eranin to Wyrd for a mission. I never did get there. I tried going to Aulin and made it. As expected it set a course for multiple jumps but I have no clue how I got it to work because now I'm stuck again trying to go from Nirvana to LHS 3006. Once again I'm going through the time and effort to set up the course, take off, get away from the station only to discover I have to turn around and do it all over again. 2 days of this now. Add in Galaxy map problems and you can imagine the fun.

4. Tried doing missions but almost all missions have a red "accept" button.

5. Been trying to earn credits collecting data. I was notified that I had found new data (Blue message across the top of my HUD) but when I got back to the station I had nothing to they waned? (The station outside Nirvana again)

6. Tried going in open play to see if there was anyone to converse with but just got rear ended entering the base and had to pay for hull damage.

BTW.. I have about 14K creds.

Thanks in advance for your help.

1&2. Sadly I'm yet another person who can't help you with VR concerns.

3. All ships have a certain jump range. Smaller ones tend not to be able to jump as far as larger ones. Jump range tends to be based on total mass of the ship. Each ship has a base hull mass and each module you load also has a weight. When added together you get total mass.

The FSD has a optimal mass stat. If your ship total mass meets or goes under this stat, the ship will be able to jump further then before. Each class and rating increases this optimal mass stat as being reflective of being more powerful. If your ship goes over this optimal mass, your jump range will suffer.

Jumping consumes fuel. More then just flying around does. Each FSD can only consume so much fuel per jump which is another factor on limiting jumping distance. If you don't have enough fuel to make the jump. It won't let you.

Making multiple jumps tends to consume more fuel then you hold. If you watch the route ploting, you can tell when your ship will run out of fuel as the solid yellow line will become dotted at which point you run out of fuel.

By upgrading your FSD through the outfitters at a station, you can jump further. By getting a bigger ship with a more powerful FSD, you can jump further. Keep an eye on your fuel level.

4. Missions have certain requirements. You may not be meeting reputation requirements with the faction, or you may not have enough cargo space to carry all the cargo necessary. Larger ships may not be able to take missions where they direct you to an outpost as there are no large landing pads at outposts.

You can increase your reputation by standard bulk trading, bounty hunting, or basic exploration. This will also get you cash.

5. You cannot sell exploration data you collected to a station in that system. They already 'know' everything there is about their station.

You need to travel 20LY from the system to sell it somewhere where they don't have up to date knowledge of the system. You can only sell this information once.

6. Sounds like you blocked the mailslot and an NPC rammed you out of the way. NPC's don't understand right of way for stations where players are concerned.

You're always free to drop me a line if you want some in-game help.
Dont use the mouse in VR in the Maps

Key bind the movement controls, and it will be much easier.

Yes the mouse is useful for big movements on the map but use the keys for actually selecting the target object. It moves slower but will jump to it.

I have my keyboard on my lap with right hand keys controlling map movement, and left hand controlling menu cursor.

The FSD has a range based on the Mass of your ship and the amount of fuel it can use in one jump. The Fuel tank carries enough for several jumps, the fuel use age per jump in not linear so you will get more jumps if they are shorter range, and 2 maybe 3 at max range in the Sidewinder.

Cmdr name below in signature.
Add me if you want and if we are both on the same time in open we can wing up
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Dont use the mouse in VR in the Maps

Key bind the movement controls, and it will be much easier.

Yes the mouse is useful for big movements on the map but use the keys for actually selecting the target object. It moves slower but will jump to it.

I have my keyboard on my lap with right hand keys controlling map movement, and left hand controlling menu cursor.

The FSD has a range based on the Mass of your ship and the amount of fuel it can use in one jump. The Fuel tank carries enough for several jumps, the fuel use age per jump in not linear so you will get more jumps if they are shorter range, and 2 maybe 3 at max range in the Sidewinder.

Cmdr name below in signature.
Add me if you want and if we are both on the same time in open we can wing up

Vasious, you don't have a signature anymore for some or other reason.
You licked the "Incursion Advanced" combat tutorial in two days?


Sounds like your version of the in-game tutorials featured a far more creative and diversified collection then mine did.

Mine featured 2...
- Combat Tutorial
- Advanced Combat Tutorial.

No clue what your referring to but but then I really wasn't interested in becoming that well versed in the tutorials and yes after loosing to the "Advanced Combat Tutorial", 4 times I eventually beat it (Actually is it was day 1 in the first 3 hours of play).

To everyone else, thank you so much for your great feedback. It did help me get past some of the issues and I began actually making some creds.
Thank you so much!!
Glad we could help.

We're always happy to help people who ask.

...instead of well... You know...

Glad to help someone who asks for help.
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