New here, taking first trip to Colonia.

Hey, new here, taking my first trip out to Colonia. Just left Eudaemon Anchorage, making the trip in an un-egineered ASP Explorer. Anything I shouldn't miss on the way?
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I'd suggest hitting up to some of the nebulas along the way. Can offer pretty sights, but you'd likely have little chance of being the first scanner of a system around those parts. Speaking of that, you might want to go up or down a lot of ways if you got some good jumprange on your boat. You'll also see how galaxy looks like when its aligned flatly like a shiny plate below your feet. Also there was a couple beacons around the way somewhere, related to the Formadine Rift mystery thing. Can't remember exact locations but you might want to check those up if you want.
Cool thanks man, got lucky already and found a couple unscanned systems surprisingly. Big galaxy I suppose. Definitely hitting Sag A after getting out to Colonia.
Well, you'll definately find a lot of unscanned systems around Sag A. And sky will start looking much MUCH brighter too for the same reason! Pretty place, you'll enjoy it.
To be honest it's a pretty uneventful trip. Other than the waypoint stations, there's nothing between the bubble and Colonia which really stands out.
You should stop by the abandoned settlements in the Conflux area though. You get quite a bit of cash from scanning the data points, and quite a bit of back story along with them


Trip to Sag A is definately worth it...stars are so tightly packed, ye could explore with a 1 ly range. Theres even an achievement fer it I think.

As bingo points out, unless ye go somewhat off the main 'motorway', then it is literally a highway/motorway...just put the boot down and grind the distance while struggling to stay awake. Id suggest the neutron highway to anyone practiced in surfing the neutron waves, but if its a virgin experience, I recommend getting to jacques first...neutron surfing can be hazardous to ones health [big grin]

Take care in the black cmdr and keep er lit ^
Pack the scanners. Advanced and detailed surface, and tag some ELW, WW, terraformables and such along the way.

2nd the suggestion to visit Sag A, I did it on my return to the bubble and worth the detour.

Enjoy you trip.
If you don't mind a somewhat significant detour into the core, the Great Annihilator is very impressive. Other than that, there isn't a ton of interest on the way. Or you can hit the surface bases that are strung out between here and Colonia.
Seriously gonna troll me on a spelling error on my first post? I thought cats were civilized in this forum.

They are! Have you seen DD recently? Anyway safe trip commander.
With any luck you'll be posting about something everyone else has missed.
About to make my third trip to Colonia (currently sitting at Sag A*). I don't remember there being too many "must see!" things, but nebulae never disappoint.

Once you're into an area where the density is high, filter out everything but non-main sequence and hop around neutrons and black holes.

I brought two SRVs and a fighter to cruise around when I needed to stretch my legs a bit. Definitely hit up Sag A*.

My one regret is not packing my engineered weapons to store out in Colonia, so if you think you'll ever set up shop there consider the small hit to jump range. Having them sent is always an option, but quite expensive.
Definitely take an ads and dss, and preferably the dss engineered (i like the long range scanning mod).

It's a shame the t-tauri stars don't look as nice as they used to (saw a nice bunch of those when I went), but take an SRV to stretch your legs on the way.

I found a great little potato moon only 141km across that was a nice diversion too.

Take lots of piccies too. And an afmu. Fly safe o7
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Planning on making this trip once I get a better ship and do a bit of engineering. Looks like good advice all around.

One question, with things going the way they are close to the bubble, how are things out in Colonia right now? Is it a lot of BGS missions and things, or are there other interesting things going on? I'd love to see a concerted colonization effort headed up by Independent pilots and play groups...
Me and 5 others have just started a club on xbox called the Colonia Cantina and Drop In Centre which we use to organize events out here.We welcome all friendly pilot's-)

There is plenty to do out here including BGS.I'm doing passenger missions for approximately 40 million an hr but sometimes ,depending on the state of the system you can earn up to 70 mill an hr doing legal cargo missions.
Exploring is great as there is more to search.

There seems to be a higher ratio of haz res out here and enough cz to keep me busy.
In my opinion everything out here is better apart from outfitting and there are no Engineers.
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