[NEWSFEED] TWP a developing Communist Power

Announcing a New Leader: Valentina Tereshkova.
Not only does she have the same name, but she's also a direct descendant of the first woman in space.

In the mid 21st century, the Tereshkova Family business was built around renewable energy and hydroponic technologies. Due to its outstanding record of technical innovation and ethical business practices, the company quickly expanded, becoming the forerunners of ethical hi-tech research and the exploitation of new and novel technologies. Consequently, Tereshkova Corp was in a prime position to contribute and steer the strategy of the first colonization projects away from Sol.

In the following millennia Tereshkova Corp stagnated slightly in a remote location on the edge of inhabited space, though there were persistent rumors that the company's predilection for pushing the boundaries of technology have been maintained. Being economically constrained by both the Federation and the Empire, Tereshkova Corp gradually moderated its socialist ideals in order to compete in inhabited space.

Throughout its long History Tereshkova Corp has remained a family run business, and early in 3301 Valentina officially took over control of the business. Whilst researching her family history, she became increasingly frustrated with the distortions and misrepresentation of the values and ethos of her socialist ancestors. She observed how both the Empire and Federation had insidiously suppressed the socialist societies in their space and vowed to create a genuine and viable utopian communist society out of the range of their influence.

She shocked company shareholders and her family by announcing that she was converting the company into a worker's cooperative, renaming the company Tamor Worker's Union, and making every employee an equal stakeholder in the business. The Worker's Union has been phenomenally successful, largely because it attracts workers who share the values of social inclusion, fairness and equality. Valentina now purely operates as the figurehead & spokesperson of ENOSIS, the decision making entity of the TWP. The dramatic increase in productivity after the conversion to a "cooperative" has enabled the TWP not only to control their own system but also expand into a neighboring system.

Today we wish to announce that the newly colonized system of Lodemovoi has unexpectedly held an election, and has voted by a landslide to embrace utopian communism.
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A great day for the TWP, a peaceful revolution and the liberation of a new system from corporate shackles! For the future, for freedom, for unity!

While accepting victory in yesterday's Election, in her celebratory speech, Valentina Tereshkova announced that the TWP has formally accepted the pledge of support from pilots from the groups comprising Communism Interstellar. This includes both the Russian-speaking and the International wings of CI.


Valentina addressing TWP activists from their headquarters

These brave comrades have vowed before to protect the proletarians of the galaxy and to support all revolutionary movements that vie for freedom from the yoke of corporate and feudal interests, especially those of the Empire and the Federation. Miss Tereshkova expressed her gratitude to Communism Interstellar, both for their pledge of support and their efforts to facilitate the expansion of the Tereshkova Worker's Union to neighbouring systems.

Miss Tereshkova went on to underline the importance of solidarity that must be exhibited among all communists inter-galactically, and has called for more pilots to raise the red banners of revolution with the Tereshkova Worker's Union. She closed by committing to likewise support any other revolutionary movements of communist character, a statement that was met with cheers by representatives of Communism Interstellar at the event."

Anyone wishing to join CI is encouraged to report for duty >>HERE<<

or discuss developments on the local forum without having to commit to joining >>HERE<<
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Slavery Abolished
It is now three days since the people of Lodemovoi rose up against the exploitative controlling Confederacy in their home system and voted overwhelmingly to embrace socialism in the form of the TWP. Inspirational election graffiti is still on showing inside Lesenko latform, where the People's Revolution began.


The TWP has cemented its position, now polling more than 90% influence. Two neighbouring systems, impressed by the effect social inclusion has had on the economies of systems that have embraced it, have already invited representatives of the TWP to meet with them with a view to converting to Communism, though TWP representative cautioned against expanding too rapidly and recommended a short period of contemplation and consolidation.

Meanwhile on Lodemovoi, business is returning to normal. The last vestiges of the previous regime may still be seen trying to push Slave-related missions at every opportunity. This will not be tolerated under the TWP and steps are underway to expunge the last few Confederacy Merchants from the system. Valentina Tereshkova quoted Abraham Lincoln, a great Leader of the 19th century on Sol “Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves” as she confirmed that slavery, the single most abhorrent practise in the Galaxy, is now abolished.

Any Commanders who wish in to sign up to help with the defence of TWP are requested to report for duty >>HERE<<
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Slavery, the greatest injustice in the galaxy
Text of speech made by Valentina Tereshkova as she accepted the Victory in the recent Election

Comrades above your tumultuous joy at the freeing of your system from the Federation, I still hear the mournful wail of millions, whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are today rendered more intolerable by the jubilant shouts that reach them. To forget them, to pass lightly over the wrongs done to them and to chime in with the popular theme would be shocking and scandalous treason.

Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of both the Federation and the Empire seems revolting in equal measure. We are false to our past, false to the present, false to the future. if we do not stand with crushed and exploited slave, be they slaves, or merely slaves to the machinery of capitalism. And I will stand, in the name of humanity, which is outraged and in the name of liberty, which is fettered. I dare to call in question and to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything that serves to perpetuate slavery - the great sin and shame of Our Galaxy! I will not equivocate - I will not excuse. I will use the severest language I can command, and yet not one word shall escape me that any human, whose judgment is not blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a slaver, shall not recognise as right and just' I need not prove that the slave is a human? That point is conceded already. Nobody doubts it. The slave-holders themselves acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their factions. They acknowledge it when they punish disobedience on the part of the slave. What is this but the acknowledgement that the slave is a moral, intellectual, and responsible being? The humanity of the slave is conceded.

Is it not astonishing that, while we are ploughing, planting, and reaping, using all kinds of mechanical tools, erecting houses, constructing space stations, building spaceships, working in metals of brass, iron, copper, silver, and gold; that while we are reading, writing, and ciphering, acting as clerks, merchants, and secretaries, having among us lawyers, doctors, ministers, poets, authors, editors, orators, and teachers; that we are engaged in all the enterprises common to other humans; mining gold in Styx, harvesting vacuum Krill on the rings of Baltha 'sine, feeding sheep and cattle on the hillside, loving, moving, acting, thinking, planning, living in families as husbands, wives, and children, we are called upon to prove that we are human?

Would you have me argue that humans are entitled to liberty? That they are the rightful owner of their own body? You have already declared it. Must I argue the wrongfulness of slavery? Is it to be settled by the rules of logic and argumentation, as a of matter great difficulty, involving a doubtful application of the principle of justice. Is it hard to understand that we all have a natural right to freedom, speaking of it relatively and positively, negatively and affirmatively? To do so would be to make myself ridiculous, and to offer an insult to your understanding. There is not a person within the galaxy who does not know that slavery is wrong. What! Am I to argue that it is wrong to rob comrades of their liberty, to work them without wages, to keep them ignorant of their relations, to beat them with sticks, to flay their flesh with the lash, to load their limbs with irons, to hunt them with dogs, to sell them at auction, to sunder their families, to knock out their teeth, to burn their flesh, to starve them into obedience and submission to their masters? Must I argue that a system thus marked with blood and stained with pollution is wrong? No - I will not. I have better employment for my time and strength than such arguments would imply.

At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. If I had the ability, and could I reach the entire Galaxy's ear, I would today pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. We need a revolution. These feelings must be accelerated; our collective conscience must be roused; the propriety of all humans must be startled; the hypocrisy of the Empire and Federation must be exposed; and its crimes against man must be denounced.

Go search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through the planets and stars of the New Worlds, search out every abuse and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of the Federation and Empire, and you will say with me that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, slavery reigns without a rival.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
Karl Marx said:
“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labour, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labour, has vanished; after labour has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!”

There is nothing more abhorrent than slavery.
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Incoming message from Valentina Tereshkova

The Madness of Expansionist Capitalism

Governments of the late 21st Century on the Homeworld made the mistake of putting economic growth ahead of all other considerations. As long as they could show an increase in their GDP, they didn't worry about the damage they were doing, either to the planet or the people who worked for them. The devastation on Earth nearly resulted in the extinction of Homo Sapiens, and took nearly a millennium to heal. It is therefore with great sadness that we are again witness to the mistakes of the past. In 3301, the galactic powers are engaged in a struggle to exploit the galaxy, and the trillions of lives that constitute the galactic proletariat, a little quicker and a little more ruthlessly than their competitors.

The intellectual resources of the TWP must not fall into the hands of Zachary Hudson or the leader of any other power, all of whom, with the possible exception of Edward Mahon, have shown themselves to be singularly irresponsible when it comes to new technology, immediately seeking to convert it into novel methods of killing each other more efficiently. Consequently, six months ago, the TWP sent representatives of Communism Interstellar to investigate alternative home systems. Our requirements were simple, a High Tech or advanced Industrial economy with the infrastructure capable of furthering our current research programme. Commander Ucalegon was dispatched to Asphodel, Commander Syndicato to Manite, Commander the_naked_ape to Cabru, Commander Jane Turner to Maidubii, Commander Von Elsner to 12 lambda coroae borealis, Commander Dragon's Claw to Merki , Commander Slughorror to Peckolsumij, Commander Bo Vaderman to Boreas, Commander Ornlu Wolfjarl to Caph, Commander Redford to Phra Lak, Commander Rogallo to HIP 12314, Commander Knuckles to Du Sheng, Commander Wilson Sosa to Merki, Commander Kano Neubrok to LP 377-100 and finally Commander Schteve to Phekda, with orders to scope out the potential of each area in preparation for a mass evacuation of the TWP in the event of a power getting too close to our home system. Simultaneously the Russian wing volunteered to start an expedition to investigate previously unvisited communist systems in case of failure.

Today, my comrades, it is my sad duty to report that the need to evacuate is upon us. We are requesting reports from our exploratory force and will announce a decision shortly.
Conflict over Manite

The spokesperson for the Workers of Manite Labour Union, has informed GalNet that the people of Manite represented by the WMLU will not accept exploitation of their home world by a foreign company calling itself Purple Central Industry. PCI, a corporation based out of the system Pand, has chosen Manite as a destination for future operations. Pre-emptive operations within Manite ahead of the scheduled political entrance of PCI is occurring through the PCI-Syndicate with military backing from the mercenary XYZ Black Fleet.

“Our forefathers laboured hard to turn Manite into what it is today, a cooperative society granting freedom and a life in dignity to every individual on the planet. We will not give up our way of life without a fight, especially not in favor of a reckless corporation that never did anything for the benefit of our people, nor has earned a place in our society. We, the people of Manite, will not be slaves to their greed for profit!
Today I have called on Valentina Tereschkova, spokesperson of ENOSIS, for aid to protect us from the violent invasion of our system by PCI.”

Valentina had this to say when interviewed by GalNet:
“We have helped many communist systems in the past to resist falling under corporate dictatorship. This case seems to be one of the worst examples of a corporation disrespecting the most basic human rights of an entire world’s population. I will call on the space-faring branch of our cooperative, Communism Interstellar, to help the people of Manite. Moreover I have already sent out diplomats to our allies across inhabited space to ask for further aid in this conflict. PCI will soon find out that invading Manite against the will of its rightful owners will be less profitable and far more costly than what their anticipated profits suggested.”

Whilst negotiators are remaining tight-lipped about the diplomatic discussions there is evident frustration from the CI representative with the bellicosity and intransigence demonstrated by PCI thus far. By way of illustration, the following dialogue was recorded.

CMDR Jane Turner said:
We would be willing to assist your expansion amitions from Manite, subject to a non-aggression pact and the guarantee that XYZ Black fleet is kept away. We happily assisted in a similar enterprise to build a new space station in a previously inhabited system in a cooperative venture with the Mercs of Mikunn

CMDR Sloan Kettering said:
How can we make ourselves any clearer? Any proposal that does not include CI leaving Manite is unacceptable to us. This is how diplomacy works: The strong have leverage, the weak do not. We have demonstrated the vast superiority in comabt of our pilots. We will not budge on the Manite point because we do not have to. We are willing to offer concessions in return but you have rejected our overtures. CI in Manite is over. If you continue with your current stance we are eager to escalate things further. The only acceptable outcomes to us are you leaving Manite.

CMDR Jane Turner said:
Its a great pity you have taken this intractable stance, there are good candidates for terraforming in the surrounding systems that would have been a great joint goal.

LittleJP said:
Let's get this party started. I have a fully kitted out FDL, Let's roll.


Two brave ships of the Black Fleet lurking at the back of the station waiting to ram traders

Sources on the ground say that the situation is worsening, with an attempted blockade at Irens Dock in the Manite system, with several large ships being destroyed by the station and a number of CI traders being interdicted and destroyed by the so-called "Black Fleet".
Conflict over Manite Continues
For a third day, Irens Dock in the Manite system has been subject to a blockade by a combined fleet of the Mercenary Black Fleet and Purple Central Industry. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, The people of Manite have shown a remarkable spirit of of solidarity and there is no evidence that the blockade is having any significant effect on the economy of the system. It should be noted that there are still reports of damage being caused to unarmed trading ship around and even inside Irens Dock. Commander Ulysses Delacy, a member of Communism Interstellar who is working to maintain normal economic conditions in Manite, was heard to say,

They may break our hulls, but they will never break our hearts.

Valentina Tereshkova, spokesperson of ENOSIS, an organisation that represents the interests of socialist and communist communities throughout the Galaxy, issued the following statement to Galnet:

We stand by the principles of the interstellar Socialist movement; there is no greater betrayal than of one's own ideals. There is nothing that helps the Socialist movement so much as receiving an occasional deathblow. The more frequently we are threatened, the more active, the more energetic, the more powerful we become. Why should a Socialist be discouraged when economically we are triumphing? It is true that these are anxious, trying days for the women and men upholding the banner of labour in the struggle of the working class of all the galaxy against those who seek to exploit them. Yet, in good time, we will be welcomed into power. We will dismantle the capitalist institutions that enslave and degrade us, and re-create them to support the emancipation of humanity from the order it created. We are the builders of the beautiful galaxy that is to be.

Despite the antagonism and aggression shown against us, we remain committed to a peaceful solution to this conflict. It is hard to maintain a meaningful battle if one side refuses to bear arms. We would like to reach out to PCI-S with this message: There are many planets in the galaxy suitable for colonisation. We call on you to renounce your intention to take Manite by force. We have the technology and skill, you have the evident desire to move to a more congenial environment than Pand. If emigration to a more hospitable part of the galaxy is your preferred outcome, we are more than willing to assist you in that endeavour and to support you in your efforts to build a vibrant and prosperous home
ENOSIS special Envoy arrives in Manite

Commander Rhea off the Black Fleet visited Manite last night and attempted dialogue with Valentina Tereshkova. Unfortunately Ms Tereshkova was too tired to notice the communications, having travelled from HIP 12314 in a simple Sidewinder earlier that evening. Being a frugal person who shuns any display of ostentation, the special envoy of ENOSIS, has refused offers of several prestige ships, but in the end was convinced that pragmatically, a hauler made a better choice for her as a negotiator, on account of its superior jump range. She did however insist that it was stripped of all weaponry. In an attempt to maintain good relations Valentina sent a formal letter of comradeship to CMDR Rhea, and emissaries of PCI-S.

When she awoke, Valentina found her tiny hauler had been damaged slightly and Irens Dock was full of debris, though at this time it is not clear whether that came from a failed attempt to displace her ship from the landing pad or was merely left over detritus from the Black Fleet actions in the past few days. She looks forwards to commencing negotiations to end this conflict.

Early this morning Ms Tereshkova met with Commander Eliath and discussed a draft ceasired agreement on belh of WMLU of Manite. We can now announce the terms of that proposal.

WMLU said:
We the people of Manite, represented by the Workers of Manite Labour Union and millions of our fellow comrades in Manite, have conferred and agree that PCI-s shall be given an opportunity to end this war. The time has come for PCI-s to decide whether to continue to be controlled by those self-willed militaristic advisers whose unintelligent calculations have brought your world to the threshold of economic destitution, or whether you will follow the path of reason.

Following are our terms. We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives.

1. An immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of military ships from outside Pand. We will allow PCI ships unhindered access to Irens. We will not tolerate an assembly of militaristic vessels outside or inside the station.

2. If any member of PCI or their know associates causes harm or threatens to cause harm to peaceful traders in Manite, we will immediately reimpose economic sanctions in both Pand and Orokudumbla.

3. We undertake to allow of safe passage to resource Extraction Site hunting to PCI-S. We will require a published list of confirmed PCI-S pilots.

4. We agree to suspend market manipulation in Pand and guarantee not to expand our activities to Orokundumbla. As a conciliatory jesture we will start a limited recovery programme today.

5. We request that you look after our comrades the Friends of Pand and support them in the cooperative ventures in your system.


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Valentina Tereskhova speaks about Conflict Resolution in Manite

There are two ways of countering invasion. One way is to attempt to smash the ships of the force which is trying to subjugate you. All people who mistakenly believe that they are strong in this galaxy adopt this course. Everywhere wars are fought and many commanders are destroyed. The consequence is not the progress of a people but their inevitable decline

Pride makes the victorious bad-tempered. They fall into bourgeois ways of living. Then for a time, it may be conceded, peace prevails. But after a short while, it comes more and more to be realised that the seeds of war have not been destroyed but have become a thousand times more nourished and mighty. No world has ever become, or will ever become, harmonious through victory in war. Great powers do not rise that way; they only fall further. In fact, what comes to it is defeat, not victory. And if, perchance, either our act or our purpose was ill-conceived, it brings disaster to both belligerents.

But through the other method of combating injustice, we alone suffer the consequences of our mistakes, and the other side is wholly spared. This other method is satyagraha. One who resorts to it does not have to break another’s ship; he may merely have his own ships broken. He has to be prepared to die himself suffering all the pain. In opposing the atrocious laws imposed upon him, it was this method that was adopted by the people of Manite, who made it clear to the PCI-Syndicate and the Black Fleet that they would never bow to their outrageous desire to forcibly repatriate more than five million inhabitant just to satisfy corporate greed. No clapping is possible without two hands to do it, no quarrel without two persons to make it and no battle without two side prepared to bear arms. In the end it was satyagraha that brought the conflict to a peaceful conclusion Inspired by the passive resistance at Irens, the free people of nearby worlds the Friends of Pand, the Movement for Obambori Union rose up against their capitalist overlords and brought PCI-S yndicate to its knees thought direct strike action in support of the WMLU. Nearby a close ally stepped in to overthrow oppressive Kwatee Federal services, returning the system to socialism and allowing the forces of Communism Interstellar to fly to the aid of Manite.

Now the most pressing need is for Pand to rebuild herself. The peace deal which I brokered allowed for a complete reinstatement of PCI-S in Pand in exchange for renouncing their claim on Manite. Sadly the deadline this peace accord ha s now long since passed. However the People of Manite do not want the people's of Pand to suffer any more hardship. They call on anyone available to answer PCI Syndicate's request to bring in high value goods to reflate the market.

PCI-S 30th May 3301 said:
We are seeking all foods, and anything related to mining extraction, medicines, occasionally weapons, and also rares to help boost our wealth. We are a long way from almost all other Rares selling stations, and thus, your rares will be worth their maximum value here - we are growing, we want your rares!

There is an abundance of mineral extractions sites, asteroid fields, and the potential for big profits in nearby systems - we hope you will consider Pand for selling your minerals and metals, it would be our honour to compensate you fairly for your efforts.

Although initially my presence in the Manite region was to act as peace envoy and negotiator in the recent dispute, ENOSIS for whom I am the current voice , have a secondary objective for visiting Manite. That of finding a new centre of operations. Manite was one of the highest candidates in that list. Now that we have had the opportunity to see the system and its environs at close hand, we have finally decided to relocate. We are still in the process of establishing ourselves, welcomed by the WMLU. However we are already in such as position as to be able to answer the call of socialist peoples throughout the galaxy when they are in need. Our Russian Comrades continue to search for an alternative location even further from the obsessive power struggles that plague our galaxy. We do not fool ourselves. There are many examples over the centuries of persecutions of communist and socialist peoples by those who wish to exploit workers. The Bourgeois Slave drivers and exploiters of people realise that their future is threatened if down-trodden workers begin to understand how they are being exploited.

Tiocfaidh ár lá - Our day has come.

The only blight on our future is the absence of a beautiful Earth-like world to call our home. We hope that in the future we can participate in an enterprise to establish a new Eden. There are many excellent candidates and I pledge that the very first open green space on new world around here will bear a simple memorial to those who were lost on both sides in Siege of Irens, based on a beautiful and poignant haiku from the old world which highlights the futility of armed struggle.

Summer grass,
All that remains,
of young warriors' dreams.

NEWSFLASH - Slavery to be driven from Phekda

It has been brought to the attention of ENOSIS that a faction called Phekda Society is currently operating an intensive slaving operation out of Phekda and into the systems that they have spread like a cancer into (Megrez, Ethgreze and G176-29). A deputation from the Independent Phekda Union, Social Megrez Labour, Labour of Ethgreze and the Workers Party of G176-29. have approached us and requested that immediate action be taken to remove Phekda Society from any controlling influence in their systems and reduce their influence wherever they infest other worlds. This morning an undercover scout was sent to Phekda to investigate and found examples of human trafficking being openly displayed.

Evidence of their barabaric practises are attached

Consequently we can announce that we have agreed to take action against Phekda Society forthwith. Supporters of PS are given notice to abandon the area.
News Flash from The Phekda region
We are hearing reports of multiple people's uprisings in the systems invaded and occupied by the Phekda Society. It is too early to be sure of the outcome of these revolutionary actions, but it is said that the Alliance flag of the Independent Union has already been sighted flying over Fort Gonzalez. Certainly there is evidence that Phekda Society are rapidly losing influence in the region. The outcome is verging on inevitable and any Phekda Society supporters and apologists for slavery are strongly advised to leave the area. A scout dispatched to the region was able to bring back these reports from three of the systems concerned.


Valentina Tereskova was unavailable for comment today; rumour is that she is heading to the region to supervise operations.
NEWSFLASH Deadly workplace incident sparks hostile takeover

After a series of hazardous workplace incidents with Obabmbori Legal Interstellar, an accident costing the lives of reportedly 26 orbital workers sparked a revolution at Norgay Hub. In the wake of the accidents hundreds of workers took over key installations of the system authorities, effectively taking control of the system and issuing a distress call to nearby systems for help in securing the flow of vital medicines that had been systematically been withheld from workers in Obambori.
Obambori Legal Interstellar, an organisation with long-standing history of exploiting its workers could not be contacted to comment on the events.

Speaking at a conference outside Norgay Hub Valentina Tereshlova, spokesperson of ENOSIS said: "We call an individual who possesses no conscience a sociopath. Corporations without a conscience are called capitalist and treated with undue reverence. Workers throughout the galaxy are rising up against individuals and organisations that oppress them. Whenever they do the Pilots of Communism Interstellar will be there to provide support, comfort and assistance."
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