No other size 1 Shield Generators except 1C Bi-Weave available, even at Jameson Memorial.


Strangely I have heard of and used Inara - see attached image - and used it to try to find 1A shield generators. I couldn't beleive Jameson had none, so I went there. Also, Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhua sells EVERY MODULE at a 10% discount (which is one reason why it is permit locked), but today it doesn't have 1A Shield Generators or indeed any size 1 shield generators, except 1C Bi-Weave!
No 1A Shield Generators at Shinrarta Dezhrajpg.jpg
That's a Tracey
ofc he's been in Cryo

I usually use eddb for modules, both work just as well

sadly at the moment eddb only shows in colonia

in 2 stations so far all I can find is 1a prismatics and 1 c biweave.

they should be in shinrarta for sure and should be visible no matter what ship you look from
I looked in Horizons only btw.

so no idea if its an error
but it does not seem right
as long as they are listed on eddb and on coriolis, means the did exist.
I've been playing since 2015 and I don't remember seeing standard shield generators of size 1 (It doesn't mean they didn't exist at some point ;)).
But I think the 1C Bi-Weave is quite sufficient as for all 1 size shield generators (mass, power and strength differences would have been very small).
1A Prismatic shields are here though...
Edit: Prismatic shield generators are only available through powerplay.

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nice, here I thought it was because I am not using chrome....exv11 here....

what are you building?

I either go A or D below class 4 or leave it as its lousy default
but considering what I usually do with those, D is just as good as A
an eagle with a prismatic is still just a bug stain
nice, here I thought it was because I am not using chrome....exv11 here....

what are you building?

I either go A or D below class 4 or leave it as its lousy default
but considering what I usually do with those, D is just as good as A
an eagle with a prismatic is still just a bug stain
Yeah! but the shield color looks cool ! :cool:
if you are referring to the greenish prismatics, then as previously mentioned by AtomicJuggler, they are Powerplay modules, so go say hi to Aisling if that's what you need.
small possibility I have seen that but never remembered due to never buying any.
I say that because at one time(besides normal visits to those places) eddb did not have a distance limit on searches. miss those days.

good to re-learn or learn new , either way.
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