No throttle control with custom preset

How to remap A B X Y RB LB?

Edit: How do I remap the main buttons and the shoulder buttons on Xbox One?
For context, the old Title: "No throttle control with custom preset"

So, after spending a good amount of time customizing my control scheme I go into training to test it out and I find that I cannot throttle up my speed using the 'custom' preset, RB and LB do nothing. Don't know if it worked before or if there is a way to remap throttle buttons, I don't see anything here. :(

So excited to see something like this on console, help would be MUCH appreciated.
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Just noticed my other buttons are not bound either... I have honestly tried to search for Xbox one related help on this for hours now, and I ain't stupid, but can't for the life of me find where to bind these buttons..
Currently, custom mapping is not available.

So I did at least figure out how to use the custom mapping available without losing those bindings. The trick is to start with default or classic and alter those to change it to custom. What I did was just go straight to custom and altered the scheme from there, but it didn't have those keys bound.
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