Non-Steam ED, HTC Vive, HMD not available in Options


I purchased a non-Steam version of ED a while ago. Now I have an HTC Vive connected to my rig. All regular Steam VR games work very well, but: ED doesn't give me the option of HMD in the graphics options:|. Am I looking in the wrong place, is there something special I need to do?
Your assistance is appreciated.


Jan Willem
It SHOULD be under the "3D" selection in the graphics options?
I mean the option should be there even without a HMD connected...
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I bought ED direct from the Frontier Store, and all I have to do is make sure Steam VR is running, and everything works fine - but, as Darius_Six said, the HMD options should be under '3D' regardless.

(By the way, just in case you don't know, you can run Steam VR without Steam itself being open - just go to ...Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\bin\win32 and run 'vrmonitor.exe'. You can also make a shortcut and put it on your desktop, or wherever, to make it easier.)
Darius_Six, Zmidponk, many thanks for your help! I was just overlooking the fact that at the right side from the option '3D' you could select the 'HMD' option. It all works now!:)
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