Not possible to land on Betelgeuse 1 anymore ?

Not like you could really walk about if it was landable. Might be something I'd got wrong but last time I walked on a planet which was above 1000 K my health started dropping.
Do anyone know why ? The game says noone land in this planet, and I tried and was not able to, was it removed ?

The ESDM entry for the planet does not say that it is landable, which surely is a prerequisite for landing. (Compare with Betelguese 2, which is flagged a landable.) Is it landable in Horizon?

Surface temperature does not seem to have anything to do with it, as there are several planets marked as landable with extreme temperatures: spansh finds Hypou Aoscs DL-Y f153 A 1 with a surface temperature of 10,205 K, but still appears to be landable.

Doesn't look like it is possible to search for planets based on atmostpheric pressure though.
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You would think that after 10 years FD would at least publish their plans for these permit locked areas. “Future Content”? Now is the future after 10 years.
The ESDM entry for the planet does not say that it is landable, which surely is a prerequisite for landing. (Compare with Betelguese 2, which is flagged a landable.) Is it landable in Horizon?

Surface temperature does not seem to have anything to do with it, as there are several planets marked as landable with extreme temperatures: spansh finds Hypou Aoscs DL-Y f153 A 1 with a surface temperature of 10,205 K, but still appears to be landable.

Doesn't look like it is possible to search for planets based on atmostpheric pressure though.

There's no purely surface temp requirement that makes a body non-landable, I have landed on very hot planets, it's walking around, as suggested by others, that's the problem. You pop out into the blue circle for a few seconds to get first footfall then straight back into the ship before you die! it's atmospheric pressure and some other temp/atmo combinations that prevent landing. It does make collecting bio data difficult though. You can run around in the SRV fine, park right next to the plant, pop out and scan really quickly then jump back in, that usually works. I don't think Betelguese 1 has ever been landable.

I should point out that EDSM is often wrong on that regard though, many bodies are marked as landable when they aren't due to data errors from early visitation where data collection wasn't automated, so you shouldn't take EDSM saying something is landable/not landable as absolutely correct.
You would think that after 10 years FD would at least publish their plans for these permit locked areas. “Future Content”? Now is the future after 10 years.

This is not a permit lock issue, it's a environmental requirements issue, fdev just need to do the work to release more types of planets.
Crystal Ball gazing is a hazardous task. I don't think anyone's vision of the game matches what they thought it'd be 10 years ago. They could unlock them and give us another empty world to land on but what would that do? Just leave the mystery. :p
Obviously. My comment was about permit locked planets that were mentioned just prior to that.

It might be, but that post appears to be completely empty now, which is why I responded as I did, I can't be expected to divine what used to be in a blank post so I can only take posts on their face value, and yours appeared completely unrelated to the issue under discussion. To be fair I don't think either of us bears any responsibility for this misunderstanding but I really had no idea why you suddenly brought up permit locks.
It might be, but that post appears to be completely empty now, which is why I responded as I did, I can't be expected to divine what used to be in a blank post so I can only take posts on their face value, and yours appeared completely unrelated to the issue under discussion. To be fair I don't think either of us bears any responsibility for this misunderstanding but I really had no idea why you suddenly brought up permit locks.
It’s still there. I didn’t suddenly bring it up.
Some planets we used to land on were made permit-locked too, long before Odyssey, like Lave 2.
spansh finds Hypou Aoscs DL-Y f153 A 1 with a surface temperature of 10,205 K, but still appears to be landable.
That's peanuts. Check this one out:


Because the planet is atmosphered and that's a Wolf-Rayet N Star, the sunrises and sunsets are actually gorgeous. I recommend a visit.
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