Npc marines

So I saw a post bout npc crews and I’m thinking why not have a special type of crewman known as pilots federations marines. These wouldn’t be your average crewman these brave souls are built to bounty hunt on settlements deal with scavs that sort of thing. To facilitate this every ship would get a marine barracks which would basically deploy in a team of three plus yourself. When their suit battery gets low they will actively seek out charger sockets so if you want to find a suit charging socket just follow your crewman. They will also scan any non guards they come across and, if wanted will shoot you can override this with scan at will
Great idea, will never happen.

They missed the mark completely with oddesy, but have too much ego to admit it.

Hence the exodus.

I honestly wonder what the culture inside fdev must be like given many of the Devs would have known that the game mechanics are trash.

Being able to grab a bunch of mates from your friends lists, throw some credits at them to buy some gear and then cart them around in your mega grind required space boat would have been obvious to pretty much anyone with half a brain.

It would have spiked player numbers and we would probably have seen an exodus from star citizen to people would be able to have fun.

But I guess that didn't align with senior dev 'vision'.

Given the collapsing player base, don't expect anything to get added to this game.


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