Nvidia 3d glasses and Elite

Not sure if anyone can help me but here goes :-

I am currently holding out for the commercial release version of Oculus Rift (and a graphics card upgrade) and saw last night on the Nvidia web site that ED is on their list of games which can be run using the Nvidia 3d glasses system.

Has anyone tried this yet and was it any good ??

I have a 650 GTX ti card at the moment which is compatible with the glasses system, however i only have a standard LCD display 1680x1050 x60hz (I think) or I can link to my LG 1080p TV if I want fun on the big screen. Neither of these are 3D screens, so not sure if I can use the glasses system on non-3D screens.

I also already where normal glasses as my eyesight is not fantastic. Can the Nvidia glasses fit over normal sight glasses ?

If anyone has any experience with this system, I would appreciate the advise before I shell out £100 on a transmitter and glasses.

Many thanks in advance,
CMDR Flaxton
Thanks for that horizone. Looks like i may have to give this a miss then as neither of my screens can do 120hz >.<

Oh well, hopefully CV1-OR will be out January or February next year so if its a choice I will hold out until then and go VR rather than just 3D.

CMDR Flaxton
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