October Monthly Catch Up!

Francesca Falcini

Senior Community Manager
Hey there PlanCo Fam!

We can't believe October's over already, but what a wonderful spooky season it was!

We're very excited to be able to share another Monthly Catch Up with you, featuring all of the latest from the incredible Planet Coaster community!

Community Creations:

As always, there were lots of incredible community creations which were shared this month. Let's take a look at some of our favourites!


We couldn't get over how incredible this Temple Of Delication by Niet_Melvin is - it's even home to a Haya Sushi! What more could your guests ask for?


It wouldn't have been October without a spooky skull build, and Haunted Skull House by Smile Time certainly delivered!


Give your guests a taste of paradise with this Tropical Oasis by MermaidGoddess!


We were walking on air when we saw this synchronized wing coaster, Eden Relay by AdriaanVanS! Don't mind us, we're just off to Utopia!


Naturally, we had to round off October with this incredible Jack O'Lantern Wall by LÜBS - even King Ghoster can't get enough!

Community Spotlight:

We're shining the spotlight on RyRy 2312 this month, who has been building their incredible park for about a year and a half! Check out the latest in their scenic, adventure-themed area, below - how incredible are those lights at night?

That's everything we've got to share with you for October! We hope you've enjoyed this Monthly Catch Up, and we'll see you for the next one, later in November!
Thanks for the shout out guys, yes a year and half thus far, we are now on the home stretch though, just have a couple of areas to finish off, then the final detailing to bring it all together.

I’m hoping to have it finished before Christmas for you all to enjoy 👍🏻
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