Oculus and sound?

Anyone recommend a headset to pair with the rift? The built in speakers are allright... but in looking for louder better sounding, more immersive. I have no budget but don't want to spend 100s was thinking maybe around a 100$usd

Any suggestions?

But then we have a comfort thing. So on another note is there a way to boost the sound on rift headphones louder?
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I would say that the H1500 are better, but the inconvenience of wearing them over/under the Rift does not (to my mind, anyway) warrant it. However, you are aware that Oculus now do earphones (in ear buds) for the Rift? They cost £50 though.
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I would say that the H1500 are better, but the inconvenience of wearing them over/under the Rift does not (to my mind, anyway) warrant it. However, you are aware that Oculus now do earphones (in ear buds) for the Rift? They cost £50 though.

Did not know that, wonder how the sound quality and volume are. I'm looking for louder. I feel like the built in speakers are missing base and almost too much treble
It might be worth doing a Google search for third party earphones. It is very easy to remove the original speakers (one screw holding each one in place (screwdriver provided with Rift), using two gold connectors each; nothing to unplug).
I was using a pair of Kingston HyperX Cloud over-ear cans which are in that price range or a bit less. Pretty good for my usage, but possibly a little muddy for the audiophiles.

But I ended up staying with the Rift default headphones for convenience. Not as good as the Kingstons, but still reasonable sound and far easier to jump in/out of (and cooler).
The Oculus attached headphones are not bad (and I use them with the Rift quite happily). I also have a proper gaming set, s a pair of studio quality AKGs for my music work plus some active KRK Rokit 5 speakers. But the irritation of using the alternatives, despite the improved sound, means I only use them in the 2D world.

Oculus have just launched the in-ear phones that attach directly to the CV-1. That's my christmas present to myself sorted, assuming they come back in stock in tme! The only downside a review pointed out was that they kind of render your Rift unsharable due to the hygiene risk. My wife enjoyed the 5 minutes or so she spent in the demo, amd my son plays HOI4 - neither are that bothered about VR so not really a problem for me.

If you use another set of headphones and find the volume too low (which you may do if using higher impedence phones such as the AKG) you could also consider a dedicated headphone amp which sits between the soundcard and your headphones. The Fiio A3 is a good one - it won't really improve the quality, but will boost the db output considerably (to the extent that you need to be careful).
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