Oculus craches when exiting Hyperspace

Hello everyone,

maybe somebody as any idea what to do.

My oculus constantly crashes each time while exiting hyperspace after five to seven jumps. The rift first goes black, than white.

After enttasking ED the screen is flickering untill I shut down the rift completely or disconnect the HDMI.

After activation/reconnection of the oculus again everything is normal. I can start ED and beginn playing. A few jumps later the same thing happens again.

Win8.1 64bit
Intel Core i7-4790K
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980

Drivers are all up to date.




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I'm out of my depth then!

If it was the beta I'd have moved this to the beta bug forum. Hopefully someone will be along in a bit...
I'm up to three blue screens of death, two when trying to enter supercruise and one when trying to land on a pad.

Just updated my graphics driver to latest and will try again (using runtime 0.6 as well).
Well, at least I´m not alone.

Strange thing ist, I do not get a bluescreen since the rift just droppes out of the game, showing me a white screen and also some desktob icons on the bottom.

Btw runtime is 0.6.
Since it only happens in hyperspace and has sometimes happend before while approaching a planet, i wonder, if it is connected to loading data (from the computer or the internet).

Has anyone encountered something alike?

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