Oculus Rift how to avoid swapping cables?


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Hi all,

I have an Oculus rift and 3 monitors. Sometimes I play ED on the Rift, sometimes on three screens, sometimes on one.

Because my graphics card only has 3 outputs, I have to swap the cables every time I want to use the rift.

I am looking for a solution to avoid all the cable swapping. To be clear, I'm not necessarily wanting the rift display to be duplicated onto one of my monitors - I'm not really bothered about that too much. I just want to avoid having to swap cables all the time. I'd be happy if I had to switch a manual swtich to swap from monitor to rift and back again, I just want to avoid swapping cables.

I've seen lots of HDMI splitters with multi output for one input on the web, but i've also read some posts saying that they may not work if you try to use them with a rift, and the graphics card then gets confused about whether it's outputting to a monitor or a rift.

Does anyone have any recommendations for what I need that will actually work?
HDMI bi-directional switch. I've used one of these but others will work just as well.

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ps: on the newegg page it says "Support HDMI 1920 * 1080P * 60(MAX)" but that's . It does 1920*1080 at 75Hz perfectly fine.
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