Odyssey Gear ... Reputation needed for mk3 traders?

Hi Guys .. im sure someone asked that before ... but do i need reputation to being able to buy mk3 Mavericks and Sniper ore am i allways to late? Searching via Inara for mk3 Mavericks and Sniper to buy but allways when i appear there are only mk1 gears there.
and thanks to the timing, many stations don't see the thursday new gear until a good 12 to 24 hours later.

there are many g3 suits and weapons, just have to spend some time going to a bunch of different stations to find them
read the traffic report in systems. low to 0 is best

I would bet less than 10% are found and taken each week, they can be found every day....
so many I see that no-one takes every week.
I make notes that they are there in my db..and I move on, I don't need them but I have 2 alts always looking. but I am fussy.

there is a sharing is caring thread, that may help.
biggest thing is to keep looking.
there is no pre requisite requirement to finding pre modded suits other than a wad of cash to buy them
it seemed to me I found my g3 suits in systems on the edge of the bubble where it was as a fair cruise to its planets 30,000ls + probably just coincidental
and all mine were found in letterbox type stations
afraid I aint got a clue when it comes to sniper ore admittingly or even a sniper suit for that matter (cant find a ghillie suit well that's the whole point lol)
but it does sound pretty far out to me;)
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