Odyssey: Stuck at "Loading Game"

I'm stuck at the "Loading Game" part which appears after the shaders and planet generation wheels complete...it goes to "Logging In" and then sto "Loading Game" and all the wheel does is turn...nothing from there. I have to kill the game with the Task Manager.

Is it just that the servers are smashed and I cannot login? Something else? Really disappointing... :(
Welcome to our world.

I have the mental image of Dav hitting his big, red "deploy" button and all the lights going out. Accompanied by sirens and a loud explosion.
"Server upgrade day at FDev Towers"

(Yes, I know the servers are AWS and "in the cloud", but run with me here.)
Ok, so then it looks like the servers have $h!7 the bed. Really sucks since peeps have been waiting months. When it doubt, double the server capacity for a new release and then double it AGAIN. Poor form, ED...just poor form.
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