Of all the ways to go...

With Surly_Badger's Fuel Rats thread in mind, I thought I would share my story from this weekend...

You think you have exploring nailed - several months of bouncing from star to star, perfecting your fuel scooping, learning the heat behaviours of your ship and generally feeling comfortable with your routines. You start to feel that the most dangerous part of exploring is actually the external distractions, things that make you ALT-TAB during those eternal 20 seconds it takes your FSD to charge - shiny things on the interwebs, chat windows, forum threads...

I was that CMDR. Almost all the damage to Euphemia on her recent trip was due to external distractions. The rest was taken whilst learning a new routine with Neutron Stars. I even avoided flying with a Kongga Ale in hand as I know how that can, ahem, improve my piloting skills. I knew that if I didn't make it back, it would be due to one too many bumps on the canopy or I forgot to point away from the star when going AFK for a 'couple of minutes'.

Sooo, 27 days into my last trip and a week or so into the Neutron Fields, I discover that I have a low tolerance to star farming and decide to point Euphemia homewards and simply transit through the fields to still earn credits but do 25+ LY jumps instead of the tiny, farming jumps.

Jump, honk, target star, SysMap, GalMap, select next star, close Map, charge FSD, avoid Neutron Star (using orbit lines), point at target, repeat. Simples.

A couple of weeks of farming meant I got used to the tiny sips of fuel you use when making tiny jumps...and there are thousands and thousands and thousands of scoopables. Normally there is one within 5 LY of your current position, so fuel management is easy.

Of course, now I am jumping nearer maximum range, can only get 6 jumps before needing fuel and every jump is to a Neutron Star or Black Hole. Still, no problem. When the GalMap says you can't reach your next target, simply pick a scoopable 5 LY away and go top up the tank.

I flew for 6 hours like this on Sunday. I should have noticed my card was marked...

First warning - I encountered a system where I exited Witchspace so close to a Black Hole's B class binary partner that the moment I turned the nose I started scooping. And suddenly I was at 70% heat. No problem, I was hands on stick at the time and simply piloted away.


Second warning - GalMap said no to my next destination, so I jumped to a scoopable and noticed that I had arrived with a completely empty main fuel tank.

Bingo Fuel.jpg

Third time is a charm...

Jump, honk, target star, SysMap, GalMap, select next star, ah...not enough fuel. Select closer scoopable, still not enough fuel. Select even closer scoopable...ah. Better go check the tank.


<insert your preferred exclamations of dismay here>

OK, don't panic. SysMap - hmmm, there are a binary pair of scoopables. How far? The closest is 826 LS.

So, do I wait for 1.3 and then see if someone will bring me fuel (I am 19 kylies from SOL) or do I see if that thimble of fuel will get me the 822 LS I need to start scooping...

What the hell, its only 822 LS. I recently completed the Buckyball Run A* in under 18 hrs, I am not going to run out of fuel in sight of salvation...


I can now confirm that the above amount of fuel will carry a Lakon Type 6, set up for exploration, exactly 805 LS...

This is exactly why I love this game. Just when you think you have it all sorted, it turns around and bites you for being complacent.

And if anyone is wondering - I am currently back in the bubble doing practice runs in a different ship for my second go at the Buckyball Run A* :D
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Sorry for your loss of data. I am totally paranoid about fuel, I scoop at every star, and if I get two non scoopables in a row I start to sweat and shake in a blind panic. On the other hand I am quite happy to fly with no insurance....weird eh....
I am totally paranoid about fuel, I scoop at every star, and if I get two non scoopables in a row I start to sweat and shake in a blind panic.

I am normally the same and top up at every opportunity during normal exploration but I just didn't consider it in my routine when amongst the Neutron Stars - the comfort of a scoopable at every corner...
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Is this the bit when we mention turning flight assist off and drifting to the star, rather than powering all the way? Or not?
Ah, sorry to hear that.

My Hauler will do 4 full-range jumps on a tank. If I jump to 2 non-scoopables in a row, I make sure the next jump is to one I can scoop from.

I'd give you some Rep for that story, but it won't let me, so please imagine.

Fly safe
Great story. And thanks for showing us what it looks like to run out of fuel. Had always wondered but wasn't brave enough to find out.
Maybe they meant flight assist off in normal space.

(which BTW, at 300m/s would've taken you about 25.5 years to get to the star)

Edit: Nevermind, that was based off 822Ls from star. Reading comprehension fail.
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CMDR - I thought you had made good time home, you were out behind me on the map and then Bam - back in the bubble :(

It all makes sense now.

As usual you have entertained us yet again - even at your own expense :)
+1 for funny and good point :) too bad you didnt wait for 1.3 i'd bring you that fuel as im currently in bubble getting rwady for next trip :)
Ouch OP...such a cruel way to die...is like sinking with the boat and an Island on sight!

Sorry for your loss!

"Experience is a horrible teacher. It gives the test before the lesson" -Ancipital

Maybe they meant flight assist off in normal space.

(which BTW, at 300m/s would've taken you about 25.5 years to get to the star)

The thought did cross my mind after the event...although I didn't think flight assist worked in SC anymore?

Is this the bit when we mention turning flight assist off and drifting to the star, rather than powering all the way? Or not?

Hmm, Flight assist off only works in regular speed...say that you boost, boost, boost and reach 300 m/s and then turn everything off...

You were 21.1 ls away...but you can normally start scooping around 2.5 ls.. 21.1 - 2.5ls =18.6 ls

1ls = 300,000 kms = 300,000,000 mts.

18.6 ls = 5,580,000,000m / 300 m/s = 18,600,000s / 3,600s/h = 5,166.66h / 24h/d = 215.27 d

It would have taken you 7 months, 5 days, 6 hrs and 28 mins.

Allegedly, PowerPlay will be released before that :p

EDIT: If this happened to you last Saturday, you would have reached destination on: Thursday, December 31, 2015! Right on New Year's Eve!
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Sad story CMDR mjmw.
Like CMDR Whiterose, i always scoop any star i can scoop. And start seeking for a scoopable star when reaching half my tank.

Unfortunately i'm doing a break in exploration, otherwise i'd probably come and help you with a refueling limpet... :(
(but pretty sure you'll find someone from RATS. ;) )

have some rep
Sorry to hear that!

No harm for us explorers to get a regular warning, it's easy to get complacent out there. It's funny, but it seems explorers in this game are a bit like explorers/climbers in real-life, in that the trip back can be more dangerous. More tired, more lax, perhaps a bit more cocky given you've made the trip out already.

Even with a badly outfitted Asp (only have a 3C scoop), I have the timing almost down to a tee. Drop in, honk, target & head straight for main star and start scooping up to ~66% of max scoop speed, while waiting for main star to scan check out system map for anything interesting worth a detour, otherwise look for anything I can scan while scooping, if nothing target next star on route, get out of scooping range, wait for heat to drop to safe levels and jump.

I'd only do that when rushing, most of the time I prefer to take my time and enjoy the view. Still can make mistakes though, mostly due to underestimating how hot T/Y dwarves can be when skirting around them, or else trying to scoop T Tauri stars (damn you, you Explorer's Curses!)

I also just noticed that anytime I dip a bit below the Galactic Plane (especially in the Perseus Gap which I just crossed) the majority of stars are unscoopable. Nasty.
Great story, excellent last pic from the flight recorder. Rep +1.
I didn't know fuel also affected oxygen supply...
I never ran out of fuel so far, but got into a close call once (not that close...), which taught me to always respect the 50% rule.
I have the timing almost down to a tee. Drop in, honk, target & head straight for main star and start scooping up to ~66% of max scoop speed, while waiting for main star to scan check out system map for anything interesting worth a detour, otherwise look for anything I can scan while scooping, if nothing target next star on route, get out of scooping range, wait for heat to drop to safe levels and jump.

I'd only do that when rushing, most of the time I prefer to take my time and enjoy the view. Still can make mistakes though, mostly due to underestimating how hot T/Y dwarves can be when skirting around them, or else trying to scoop T Tauri stars (damn you, you Explorer's Curses!)
Sound just like my routine, i allways start scooping (or look for a scoopable star) at 1/3 fuel left in the tank, that way i allways have enough fuel to make at least 2 full range jumps.
And yeah, brown dwarfs are deceiving b*tches but if you encountered one while the heat rises to boiling temp you learn to show them the respect they deserve :).
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Great story, excellent last pic from the flight recorder. Rep +1.
I didn't know fuel also affected oxygen supply...

It does..indirectly....

Fuel fuels the power plant that keeps the Life Support running....

No Fuel = No Life support...

Once the fuel was completely depleted, the ship violently dropped from SC, jerking and shaking the vessel and causing major hull damage...

As every system started to collapse due to a lack of power...alarms went off...

The Life Support failure triggered the emergency oxygen mask that kept OP alive just to witness the coldness taking over the ship and his body, limb by limb...

Our CMDR started to freeze, and then suffocate. In an irony of fate, he passed out while staring at the star -not too far in the distant- that could have been his salvation...
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