One Wonders...

What percentage of Horizons players have updated to Odyssey? Personally - I haven't. There are three reasons.

1) Don't care about being able to walk around stations.

2)From the planetary graphics I've seen they all look like barren wastelands exactly like the Horizons planets except with air.

3) Spacesuits and associated weapons are just another source of grind - and grind is the only real issue I have with Horizons.

Any guesses/estimates about the % that have gone to Odyssey?
Interesting question. My take...

#3, not so much. Primarily, I'm not much of a pre-order kind of person. Your #1 has been on my mind quite a lot but I think that I can be convinced. Not being much of a pre-order kind of person, when things don't go well I prefer to wait until improvements happen. Given that I could play something else if I really yearn for FPS and because I'm pretty patient, I have not felt a great pull to do so.

That said, I am entirely willing to support the Elite franchise with a purchase because I fell in love with the game "back in the day," it's great to be back in the galaxy, and it is not a question of affordability for me - but not until higher quality is apparent. I'm a stickler for quality and the engineer in me can't buy-in until that's apparent.

For a while to come I'm EDH, CMDRs. Happy travels!
I made the jump to Odyssey right at launch and have never looked back. I like it very much.

Planets are excellent, I don't know what you're looking at. I just got back from a exobiology jaunt and I had a great time. I saw some really interesting planets, and a few boring ones, too. Lots of screenshots were taken. I'm a happy CMDR.

All my suits and weapons are fully upgraded -- I really enjoy the missions in Odyssey, so the process was a lot of fun. They are very interesting and never the same twice. Stealth and thought actually matter. Great stuff.

As for what percentage of players have made the switch, I have no clue.
:poop: every thing in this game is grind.
The grind is the game the game is the grind even on Arrakis:eek:
And so grind you will...………………..
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What percentage of Horizons players have updated to Odyssey? Personally - I haven't. There are three reasons.

1) Don't care about being able to walk around stations.

2)From the planetary graphics I've seen they all look like barren wastelands exactly like the Horizons planets except with air.

3) Spacesuits and associated weapons are just another source of grind - and grind is the only real issue I have with Horizons.

Any guesses/estimates about the % that have gone to Odyssey?
Totally agree, if I want to play an FPS, I go to Assassins Creed, Tomb Raider, Farcry etc there are lots of FPS games that are far far superior to Odyssey, and a lot more fun! After all Elite Dangerous is a space type simulator/game.
The only reason why I haven't upgraded is because I am on console.
Once Fdev pull their finger out.... I'll upgrade.
Pre-ordered Odyssey as soon as it was announced! The settlement "Murder Simulator" aspect was never really appealing to me, but just being able to walk around did! My whole Elite career is basically roleplay which I enjoy and "space legs" adds to that!
The frame rate issue is what's keeping me from playing unfortunately, as even going down to single screen. Frame rates of between 30 & 45 at settlements, is far to painful for me to enjoy. Especially when I was getting 100fps on triple screen (7680x1440) while driving around settlements in Horizons (Ryzen 3600@4.2ghz + RTX 3070).

The "space legs" to me has potential for further refinement, but maybe not as F-Dev originally planned with the initial old FPS trope of interaction through firepower (murder simulator). But as more player focused interaction, and immersive extension to life in the galaxy (my hope anyway!).

Just wish they would sort out the their game engine as losing 3 quarters of my frame rate by getting out of my ship, is not something that's going to temp people to buy your DLC!

Had Horizons a little over 1 year. No interest in Odyssey yet.

The fps fix is obtained elsewhere. But the space flight desire is still here.
The poor AI and lack of excitement with current ground combat/missions, coupled with lackluster on-foot scanning and the questionable UI changes have kept me in Horizons.

But! Even a year in and still in Horizons and 3-4 years late to the party.....I love this game!

Random thought. If we had Thargoids rushing a base like bugs from Starship Troopers....and we queue up to mow them down with a squad of players. Stopping the incursion on the ground level...That sounds like fun to me.
I transitioned early on just because I knew it was inevitable and likely be a bit painful knowing I would have to re-configure so many things.

Graphics settings?
Key assignments
Voice Attack/EDDI/HCS Voicepack

It's not as easy as it sounds when you have a lot of 3rd party integration, so going through the conversion while things are in flux allows me to follow the changes and integrate them as we move along. Hopefully not as bad as waiting till full ED updating is complete.

I recently went back to Horizons to take a quick look - and it looked terrible in comparison. Possible some graphics changes I made in Oddity negatively impacted Horizons???

In any event, I'm now full time Oddity and have enough hardware power to enjoy it in spite of the persistent bugs that still need work.

I'd be interested to know if anyone on Horizons uses a Cuter with the standard DC to land on a FC. It's definitely wonked in Oddity as the Cutter overshoots the pad on approach and has to correct a couple times to get on the pad. I think the thrusters got reverted to an old setting but the DC doesn't know it.
I'm a bit obsessed with having the latest, so I got Odyssey immediately. Planets still look like painted billiard balls in space, planetary details are silly and oversaturated, fauna looks silly, etc etc. But it's still probably the best space sim out there. The mechanics are pretty good. I'm sticking with it.
I'm a bit obsessed with having the latest, so I got Odyssey immediately. Planets still look like painted billiard balls in space, planetary details are silly and oversaturated, fauna looks silly, etc etc. But it's still probably the best space sim out there. The mechanics are pretty good. I'm sticking with it.

No fauna, it's all plant life, but apart from that comment, well yes from space a decent sized planet will look flat, small planets on the other hand are not round at all now as they used to, and same site comparisons of OD and H show a huge improvement even on airless bodies, however I have stayed in Odyssey almost exclusively since playing the Alpha. One thing to remember is, most future updates to the game will extend on Odyssey and not Horizons, so if they do introduce something to the game that Horizons players want, they are going to have to upgrade to get it!

They do need to get their act together with the life I agree, that lets it down a bit, not sure where the over-saturated and silly planetary details come in, do you have any examples?
No fauna, it's all plant life, but apart from that comment, well yes from space a decent sized planet will look flat, small planets on the other hand are not round at all now as they used to, and same site comparisons of OD and H show a huge improvement even on airless bodies, however I have stayed in Odyssey almost exclusively since playing the Alpha. One thing to remember is, most future updates to the game will extend on Odyssey and not Horizons, so if they do introduce something to the game that Horizons players want, they are going to have to upgrade to get it!

They do need to get their act together with the life I agree, that lets it down a bit, not sure where the over-saturated and silly planetary details come in, do you have any examples?
Damn...yeah, I meant flora. My bad.

I watch a fair amount of astronomy on youtube, nasa etc. Planets do not look hard surfaced exclusively, ie no layering of textures. Gas giants for example have incandescence. That sort of thing. Not fussed if you don't agree.

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Damn...yeah, I meant flora. My bad.

I watch a fair amount of astronomy on youtube, nasa etc. Planets do not look hard surfaced exclusively, ie no layering of textures. Gas giants for example have incandescence. That sort of thing. Not fussed if you don't agree.

Well that's an example of course, but not for the reason you think, it's because because gas giants aren't implemented as a volumetric surface yet, they still use the original planet texturing feature which is a 2d bitmap wrapped around a spherical mesh used pre-horizons, all non-landable planets still do this, I guess there's not much point in generating the planet when no-one can land on it so we are still stuck with the original looks of all non-landable bodies.

As they extend the range of landable bodies that should change, but for purposes of this point I was refering exclusively to landable bodies, both atmospheric and non-atmospheric. Hopefully they will one day make gas giants properly, but probably not until they have actual game-play reasons for letting us get closer, like scooping, floating mining bases etc.
YUP since day one too well I had a LEP(2014) so may as well use it...….
in saying that though I still play both it seems I can find core's easier in HOR for some strange reason if I wanna mine...………………...
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Well that's an example of course, but not for the reason you think, it's because because gas giants aren't implemented as a volumetric surface yet, they still use the original planet texturing feature which is a 2d bitmap wrapped around a spherical mesh used pre-horizons, all non-landable planets still do this, I guess there's not much point in generating the planet when no-one can land on it so we are still stuck with the original looks of all non-landable bodies.

As they extend the range of landable bodies that should change, but for purposes of this point I was refering exclusively to landable bodies, both atmospheric and non-atmospheric. Hopefully they will one day make gas giants properly, but probably not until they have actual game-play reasons for letting us get closer, like scooping, floating mining bases etc.

You may have been referring to landable planets, but I wasn't. Surely though you've looked at even non gas giants and noticed, for example, the amateurish fashion used to depict crater impacts, the over-saturated and garish colour etc. They look as if they've used crayons.

I have a little experience using 3D software. Layering of textures, transparency and alpha maps make it simple enough to make the galaxy look great again. Star Citizen does it rather well I think, but I don't play that particular game for other reasons. Perhaps, and hopefully, Elite developers will find a way, if the concern is making the game playable on low end PC's.
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i bought Horizons, tried it for a few weeks and hated just about everything about it. When I play now, it's in Horizons version.
I switched to Odyssey in day one and never played Horizons since then. Went to Black in day three or four, still in the Black.
You don't make it clear whether that was to escape from the horrors of Odyssey! What's the advantage of Odyssey out in the black that makes it worth spending £30?
Odyssey adds so much more to the game, pre-ordered and would never go back to Horizons.
The games only a grind if you want it to be.
Im loving the foot missions and upgrading suits/weapons and for someone who hates FPS i cant believe im doing it.
It all adds to the experience, i now have even more to do when im back in the bubble.

Fly Safe O7
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