Oops... Some advise please.

Hello CMDR's

I've had an Oops moment...

ED Oops.jpg

As I was taking off I discovered the silent running key was bound to my Del key, that's interesting I thought. Music was blaring out some rather nice rendition of Jupiter from the planets, how apt as I took off from the world I had landed on last night before having a break.

It was not until the end of Jupiter that I became aware of a noise I confess to not being used to. Turns out the ship has an alarm! Who knew!?! Not me it would appear.

Anyway to make a long story longer you can see the image above... Everything was on 100% apart from the repair thing which I actually know how to use so the damage can be repaired.

My questions at this point are:

Any ideas on how much repair stuff I will use to get the major systems back to full health
Which would you consider the major system for an explorer
My plan was to hit Sag A then just carry on until I run out of stars, should I head back to the bubble and refit/refill?

My thanks in advance for your opinions fellow Explorer's.
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Canopy is the one I make sure to keep topped up, coz as soon as it cracks, your trip is over...life support, thrusters, FSD - they'll all chug along at less than optimal health, but that makes things all the more scary the next time you take damage...every system becomes super important as soon as it stops working!

I see you're packing an SRV, so I'd say repair it all then land and get prospecting...you'll refill the AMFU in no time. :)

Not far by most peoples standards but it's taken me from the 1st of Jan to get here.

13,648 LY

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Canopy is the one I make sure to keep topped up, coz as soon as it cracks, your trip is over...life support, thrusters, FSD - they'll all chug along at less than optimal health, but that makes things all the more scary the next time you take damage...every system becomes super important as soon as it stops working!

I see you're packing an SRV, so I'd say repair it all then land and get prospecting...you'll refill the AMFU in no time. :)

Excellent advise!

And I hope that's not my Mother your name refers to! :D
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Yeah power plant and hull cant be repaired. I didn't know you could re-fill AMFU's.. interesting!
Well I'm going to have to make a dash to the nearest port... Hull is at 40%.

I'll just head in a direct line to the bubble and then back to where I left off.

Thank-you for the help folks!

May all your Stars be undiscovered Neutrons with Black holes for moons!
Hello CMDR's
As I was taking off I discovered the silent running key was bound to my Del key, that's interesting I thought. Music was blaring out some rather nice rendition of Jupiter from the planets, how apt as I took off from the world I had landed on last night before having a break.
Do Not Bind :
Silent Running (unbind yours)
The dump all cargo bind
Self Destruct(if it is bindable)

Hello CMDR's
My plan was to hit Sag A then just carry on until I run out of stars, should I head back to the bubble and refit/refill?
1000 of us are doing exactly that, called DISTANT WORLDS, and you can catch up easily :)

Well I'm going to have to make a dash to the nearest port... Hull is at 40%.
I concur
Do Not Bind :
Silent Running (unbind yours)
The dump all cargo bind
Self Destruct(if it is bindable)

1000 of us are doing exactly that, called DISTANT WORLDS, and you can catch up easily :)

I concur

All noted and done, I'd just forgotten to do the silent running!

After I've repaired I'll be trying to catch you folks up, I had planned on meeting up with you all on the far side of the central mass but now I'll just make a bee line for your next way point once ready. :)
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