[Open] The Cobra Cantina

Cobra Cantina

--All general Forum rules apply
--All posts must be primarily In Character, or "IC"
--Any Out Of Character or "OOC" parts to posts must bet tagged as "OOC"
Zach stopped at the bar and grabbed a drink before going to join Jack and Susan at the table.

OOC: Are we expecting anyone else to join us? Or should we spin off our own thread after this conversation?
--Absolutely no OOC posts. If you have questions for a specific person, PM that specific person. If you have a general question about the thread, PM me, or make an IC post to contribute to the overall game and ask your question in the OOC portion of the post.
--This thread is specifically for characters interacting in or near the Cantina between jobs. If your character decides to go off to another station or system, please set that up as its own thread.
--Posts are required to be in third-person, past tense, paragraph prose format.
--50 IC word count minimum.

--I'm not a stickler for detail and don't expect every system/port to be something that actually exists in the game. This cantina is made up, for example.
--I'll probably make up a bunch of locations myself
--Time is fluid, but it doesn't flow the same for everyone. Just because Jack left the Cantina on page 2 and returned six weeks and five promotions later on page 4, if Zach and Susan are still having the same conversation they started when Jack left by page 4 then there isn't gonna be much feasible interaction between them.


Docking Request... Granted. Those were the words Zach liked to hear. They meant a moment free of pirates, a chance to sell his cargo and get some money, a chance to refuel and repair his ship, and in some cases a chance to stretch his legs and breath some fresh air.

Well, "fresh" air. The station was still an orbital station, so its air was largely recycled. But there was more of it, and it got fresh air delivered from the planet it floated around, so its air was considerably more fresh than the recycled crap that he was breathing.

After docking with his new, fancy docking computer that was so cool to use even if it did seem to struggle in the larger docks like this one, Zach unloaded his forty tonnes of cargo and parked his ship in the hangar. From there, it was a short walk to the transport hub that took him to the cantina.

This was his first visit to the Cobra Cantina, but he knew the place by reputation. A place where politics are shoved out the door and a commander can be themselves without being hounded by the law or the outlaws. The Cobra even boasted about their Bulletin Board Ban so the temptation to go out and collect riches would not be present to contend with the temptation to get drunk under the table.

Zach entered the cantina, surprised at its size and crowd. It was much, much smaller than he had imagined, perhaps enough seating for fifty or sixty people, but way, way more crowded, and as he shoved his way through groups of grizzled senior pilots and green horned newbs alike, he quickly figured that the place was standing room only.
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CMDR De La Fère watched as the workers took down the big sign reading "ROA bar" and replaced it with a new banner, this one reading "the Cobra cantina". A handful of police officers, or "moderators", as they were called in this system, supervised the work while chatting with the bar's owner, a certain Zach the Licht King.
"Well, that's what you call a rapid reaction!" He said, grinning to himself. As long as the "moderators" left as quickly as they had come...
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The fluidity of business was one of the more fun aspects about being a Trader. Zach had seen more than one system exchange pockets between one corporation or another enterprise. At least The Cobra exchanged hands nice and quick.

"Yeah it is," Zach agreed, over hearing La Fère's comment. "Quick and efficient. Just the way I like it." He concluded with a nod.

With all of the fuss out of the way, Zach took a seat at the bar and ordered that much needed drink he had come here for in the first place. He lifted it and chugged the cool contents down, finishing half of his drink before stopping for a breath. With his thirst now sated, if not properly quenched, he spun a bit in his stool and gestured at the seat next to him for La Fère.

"What brings you out to these parts?" he asked conversationally, always eager to meet fellow ship commanders and learn more of the goings on in the great big Galaxy.
"Not much. I was in the black ops section of the Imperial Navy up until a few days ago, right up until I woke up with a huge headache in Polevnic, after a top secret mission went wrong. I've been wandering around the bubble ever since, but I'm thinking of settling down for a bit, and here seems as good as anywhere." He replied as he sat down.
"A Leestian Special." He said as the waiter came up to their table.
"A Lavian Brandy for me." Said Zach, although De La Fère knew that just meant whatever they had that was expensive and strong enough.
"And you? What brought you here? The call of credits, or are you just another wandering soul?"
"Black Ops, eh?" Zach asked, taking a drink, "Interesting. Hope you don't gotta kill me for telling me that much, heh heh." he added in jest. Such things were rare outside the Empire, and then you only really had to worry about Senators and the Emperor for the most part.

"A bit of both if I'm being honest." he answered to La Fère's question, "Always wanted to get lost in space and boldy go where no one's gone before. But to get flyin' you gotta get buyin', and I needed money for that. Still, very relaxing to travel around and trade goods. The occasional Interdicting S-O-B keeps me from getting bored, too. I'm thinking in a week or so I'll be able to get myself an Asp Explorer and take off into the wild black yonder."
De La Fère laughed at Zach's joke.
"He he. Not anymore I won't. But yes, if you ever meet a CMDR who tells you he works for the Imperial black ops then he's either lying or you're already dead. My case it very special. Once you're in black ops you don't get out, and if you do your life expectancy is reduced to seconds. I'm still not sure how they didn't track me down. Must have been something Antal's guys did. That reminds me: why am I telling a complete stranger this? Not very responsible of me... And if you've already tracked me down, you're either my assassin or you're aFed come to recruit me. No point in hiding it any longer. Spit it out, before I make you!"
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