Operation Sanctuary

Operation Sanctuary


On October 28, 3306, more than 100 privately owned carrier vessels could be found in the system of LFT 625. They orbited the numerous bodies of the system to provide the refugees from the recent turmoil in the Empire with food, medicine and other essential means.

How many of these vessels – an accumulation of more than 500 billion Credits of privately owned wealth – will remain now, after the media will announced that the refugees in LFT 625 have been fed, their thirst quenched, their maladies cured?

How many of these vessels will jump away and follow the latest headline, the latest trend in the interstellar news services, and leave behind hunger and suffering as something that only happens when it appears on the front page of GalNet?

On October 28, 3306, more than 338,000 people across 13 systems suffered from famine. Nearly 23 billion people suffered from the outbreak of one deadly disease or the other. The lives of another 15 billion people are threatened by drought, blight and natural disasters.

This cannot go on. Wars are raging across the galaxy, from the most insignificant warlords fighting over the most insignificant outpost in the most insignificant system to the monumental conflict of humanity with an alien power that’s barely understood. The powers busy themselves with petty infighting, senseless saber-rattling and bottomless corruption, while the people of the galaxy have their livelihoods and lives threatened on a nearly daily basis.

On October 28, 3306, the Children of Raxxla initiated Operation Sanctuary. They will lead a Herculean effort to prevent and fight the senseless and unnoticed suffering of billions across human-populated space. They will hear those who live and die in misery, whispering while an entire galaxy screams and shouts above their heads. The utter lack of care that the powers that be show for the plight of billions will be rectified.

The Children of Raxxla will begin this monumental task by deploying convoys loaded with food, medicine and other desperately needed supplies to independent systems threatened by hunger and the outbreak of disease. We do this because we remember our duty to humanity.

But do not be fooled: This is the beginning, not the end of our duty. If you benefit from their suffering, if you have grown fat by eating the fruits of their labor, if you consider them pawns in your grand games of power, rest assured: We will remember you as well.

Anyone who wishes to collaborate with us on this effort is cordially invited to contact us via diplomatic channels. Do not take this lightly, though. This task does not serve the purpose of putting one or the other in the spotlight, of being remembered in history books. It is not an easy adventure to brag about.

It simply is what needs to be done.

CMDR Kuroshio
Consul, Children of Raxxla
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