Original Art question

I use my own art from user media for windows and pictures sometimes. Do those get transferred in blueprints? Are they JUST in the blueprint or can people use the image in windows in their owns stuff? I'm fine with that by the way, I am just wondering. I presume the same would go for custom sounds? I am thinking about recording some screetches and other spooky sounds to use in a haunted house ride and there isn't much point if they don't save into the blueprint for the ride.


Volunteer Moderator
User media such as pictures, videos, music and sounds are not saved with blueprints. Those files are only stored on your local computer and are not included in blueprints that you upload to the workshop.
However, if someone downloads a workshop item that has user media in it, then the user media will show up in the item/park if the user who downloaded the item also downloads the user media and saves that in their local user media folder. File names must be the same for this to work.

An option would be to save all of the required user media files in a zip file and host that on a file host such as Dropbox, and share a link to that zip file in the description of the workshop item.
An example of this method is Koali Beach, a park made by Silvarret, DeLadysigner, Rudi Rennkamel and Keralis.


Volunteer Moderator
put picture file that u want to use in the “User Media” folder in your computer. You can find it in Frontier Developments Folder then click on Planet Coaster folder. Thats where User Media folder is.
Thanks I'll sort that. Quite a few of my bluprints have original art in them already and if people can't actually USE my spoopy curtains then it messes up what I was doing.

I have curtains in some things based on a pattern I actually have my IRL Halloween themed kitchen's curtains based on and I'd like people to actually be able to use it if they wish.

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